Mr. Abdullah has alleged a massive fraud in the poll.
Oksana also alleged a nanny was the primary caregiver when Lucia stayed with her dad and said she was worried the child was isolated in Mel’s home.
On Thursday, Vietnam alleged a similar incident in the zone, saying a Chinese fishing boat rammed the cables of another oil survey ship in a "premeditated" attack.
For more than a year they have been looking into alleged abuses in public-works contracts; a public inquiry would have to grant immunity to witnesses who might otherwise be charged.
The accused is alleged to have killed a man.
The accused is alleged to be a member of a right-wing gang.
They have begun a hunger strike in protest at the alleged beating.
The alleged fraud came to light earlier this month when a client mentioned the scheme to a senior bank manager.
The alleged fraud was discovered earlier this month in a branch of the global bank in Gurgaon, a wealthy suburb of Delhi.
They were based at a girls' school, where — it is alleged — the combined forces of three schoolmistresses outperformed the professionals with the accuracy of their observations.
Vahidi faces charges in Argentina for his alleged role in the bombing of a Jewish centre in Buenos Aires in 1994, in which 85 people died.
That would cast doubt on the the SEC's portrayal of ACA as a misinformed victim in the alleged fraud.
Rogue soldiers have operated with impunity, partly because investigations against them are run by secret military tribunals even when the alleged crime is against a civilian.
The TV also broadcast images of a funeral Thursday for victims it alleged were killed by coalition forces.
She seems to feel that the alleged institutionalisation of the youngest one is a priority.
A sergeant witnesses an Iraqi, who was alleged to have abused a woman in Kuwait, hauled up by a crane to be shot by fellow Iraqi soldiers.
Four days later a civilian prosecutor charged and briefly arrested a serving colonel for his alleged involvement in a plan to overthrow AK.
The charge-sheet of alleged European crimes is a familiar one, albeit rewritten with fresh evidence.
B.Ramalinga Raju, the founder of Satyam Computer, was a regular Davos attendee and speaker before his arrest over a $1bn alleged fraud at the company.
SatyamComputer公司创始人拉马林加•拉贾(B. Ramalinga Raju)在涉嫌欺诈公司10亿美元而被捕之前,是达沃斯的常客,经常发表演讲。
I am precisely as I understand it not that, not the other; and I grasp myself perhaps in ways that deepen my alleged understanding of myself as a result of this negative process.
When a book alleged that John McCain had once called his wife Cindy one, the outrage was bipartisan.
Three years ago, the alleged chief interrogator at a torture center in Argentina was found running a genteel antiques shop in the Plains, Virginia.
A time slip (also called a timeslip) is an alleged paranormal phenomenon in which a person, or group of people, travel through time through supernatural (rather than technological) means.
(穿越(时空)就是一种超自然现象。一个人或一群人通过超自然手段(而不是技术 )进行时间穿梭。
In Rihanna's case, one of the alleged responses to a balcony being improperly sloped was that it was under a deep overhang.
The alleged common end is a higher standard of living, or, as Rizzo puts it, a maximized gross national product.
In the past, the JSA sued publications for defamation following articles that alleged match-fixing. Now they have a lot more on their hands.
In the past, the JSA sued publications for defamation following articles that alleged match-fixing. Now they have a lot more on their hands.