Nowadays the use of olive oil is no longer limited to areas where the olive tree is grown and it has come to represent quality cooking almost all over the world.
Now almost all over the world I know Tyson biting Holyfield things, this is a disgrace to boxing career, but also boxing in the community from the social effects of a channel.
It's not an accident that almost all the executives in charge of Microsoft's music, e-books, phone, online, search and tablet efforts over the past decade have left.
The five big houses-mitsubishi, Mitsui, Sumitomo, Itochu and marubeni-tower over corporate Japan and worm their way into almost all business activity.
Most Westerners, when viewing it, focus on the wave itself, which towers over Mount Fuji in a show of almost implacable force, all the more terrifying considering the three fragile boats under it.
Every day of the year, in ports all over the world, vast cargo ships sail in, unnoticed by almost all of us who rely on their merchandise.
Over half of all chickens exported from America to Cuba come from Alabama, along with almost all the (wooden) telephone poles.
OVER the years, electronics have found their way into almost every aspect of human life. They are in homes, offices, cars and just about all gadgets.
It's so placid, in fact, it almost feels sad in spots, perhaps to cater to all the people who feel blue over the holidays.
The school year was almost over and all the other students were busy making their schedules.
A few years ago, for instance, at the height of the boom, one LVMH brand was putting diamonds all over its watches, so that it was almost difficult to tell the time.
COBOL would be Ancient Paganism - There was once a time when it ruled over a vast region and was important, but nowadays it's almost dead, for the good of us all.
The Flash platform (the basis for Flex) is almost as ubiquitous as the browser itself, having been installed into browsers all over the world for nigh-on a decade now.
This handsome sum would be enough to buy all the gold sitting in central Banks' vaults (indeed, twice over) or almost all of London's residential property.
We write flyers about everything from dependency injection to code coverage, and then regularly plaster the bathrooms all over Google with each episode, almost 500 stalls worldwide...
At last month's Frankfurt motor show almost every big carmaker could boast of new hybrids in the pipeline, some of them plug-ins, and prototype all-electric vehicles were all over the place.
在上个月的法兰克福汽车展上,几乎每一家汽车制造商对自己的电油混合管道自吹自擂,其中有一些还是plug - in模式的,纯电动汽车的展品更到处都是。
Their over all usefulness is in the fact that they can take off and land in almost nonsensically short distances!
Over all, the study found that almost half of all the college-age individuals showed signs of at least one psychiatric disorder.
We find that almost always the objections to God's meticulous providence over all things are moral and philosophical rather than exegetical.
Almost forgot, the bridge is likely to include high speed rail. This would connect Macau to the high speed rail network being built all over the country.
How have the Knicks scored 108 points while shooting almost no free throws and throwing the ball all over the gym?
Since the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the Legend of Buddhist Jigong has been circulating so widely all over the country that almost every household knows the folktale.
Her cheeks were almost as white as the pillow, and her hair was like threads of gold spread all about over the bed.
They all said the food was great, but when the banquet was finished, there were almost one hundred goats left over. They had not even been slaughtered yet.
They all said the food was great, but when the banquet was finished, there were almost one hundred goats left over. They had not even been slaughtered yet.