One day in 1979, 16-year-old Payeng was walking along the bank of the Brahmaputra River.
We were walking along the bank of the Niger river, searching for the tracks of a hippopotamus that was ravaging the corn on Karim's farm.
The Bund stretches one mile along the bank of the Huangpu River.
They say that the sins perch on the trees along the bank of the Ganges.
This beacon of sophisticated hospitality rises on the legendary Corniche along the bank of the river.
Filing through the pavilion, we found several small boats anchored under two big trees along the bank.
'I may be able to clim' along the bank perhaps - I can clim 'better than they. You must be so tired, Mr Clare!'
Nestled in the forest, the community center is situated along the bank thus separating the park from the communal road.
With clear water and willow trees along the bank, it is the most popular tourist scenic spot with residents of Qingzhou.
This afternoon, my Dad took me to a nameless lake to observe the birds living there. We watched and walked along the bank, and felt very happy.
Little Elephant went on along the bank of the great gray-green, greasy Limpopo River until he stepped on what he thought was a log, but it was the crocodile.
Little Elephant went on along the bank of the great gray-green, greasy Limpopo River until he stepped on what he thought was a log, but it was the crocodile.
The proportions of exchangeable Zn, Cd, Co and Ni in the inner bay were higher than in the outer bay, indicating the impacts of pollutant input along the bank.
For Bridges constructed along the bank of river, unstable slope can damage the Bridges, some measures in aseismic design should, therefore, be taken into consideration.
In fact, all the pyramids along the Nile are on the west bank.
This, along with the never-ending stream of news from the West Bank and Gaza, no doubt contributes to the popular notion of a Palestinian as someone who lives anywhere but Israel.
The best way to access cash is to use your debit card to withdraw money from bank machines along the way (bonus travel tip: don't ask for an 'ATM' abroad, ask for a 'bank machine').
Then the company took over the bank (a rescue along the lines of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac).
Greece's ATE bank (currently the subject, along with Postbank, of a merger proposal from the stronger Piraeus bank), also failed.
The bank must first contact the customer to get permission to pass their information along to the other lender.
This is why there is no international standard on tax evasion or tax competition along the lines of international standards on bank regulation or fighting financial crime.
Cruising down the Li river gives tourists much needed shade and a chances to view the many famous formations along the river bank.
Employed her entirelife, for the past decade at the same bank, she was fired along with her entiredivision at age 52.
她一辈子都在工作,过去的十年一直在同一家银行上班。 在她52岁的时候,她所在的部门被撤并了。
The bank currently has 16 outlets in China, mostly in the larger cities along the eastern coast.
In 2002, the Bank helped the groups further develop their assistance for child soldiers and, along with international donors, provided funding for special child soldier projects.
The Bank, along with other international organizations, has been working on initial damage and needs assessments of the affected countries, as part of the first phase of the reconstruction process.
The Bank, along with other international organizations, has been working on initial damage and needs assessments of the affected countries, as part of the first phase of the reconstruction process.