Short-cut methods are prerequisite for the fast evaluation of alternative design methods in rectification process.
This alternative design could lead to cheap, printable cells that would massively boost the worldwide use of solar power.
That is why a slightly noisier alternative design by the same researchers that is even more fuel-efficient shows most promise.
An alternative design would be for the application to directly send the email since the application now has the customer name and email address isolated.
Note 1: an alternative design for the MDC dimension on the Transactions history table is to define Transaction date at a smaller granularity, such as by week or by day.
By means of the commonly-used domestic variable duration impulse integrated controller, alternative design was carried out on PWM control chip of switching power on overseas equipments.
With a visual design methodology, it is easy for development to express a problem and propose an alternative that is acceptable to the user community.
I offer this idea here not so much in the mindset of "Do it this way, rather than in a database," but as a design alternative you can use — or not use, as you choose.
But Toyota and teams of suppliers in the company's supply-chain network worked round the clock for days to design and set up alternative production sites.
Make a template for the detail design with more alternative paths involved. (See Figures 8 and 9.)
So you will be able to design full-page layouts on screen as an alternative to writing ERb (embedded Ruby) templates in code.
The few installments of this series have illustrated some very simple and straightforward alternative techniques for creating Web service implementations using known, proven design patterns.
Any time a built-in primitive function is available, that will be a better design alternative than creating custom code.
Minimalism in design has been around for some time, and today it seems to be a welcome alternative to overly busy and unnecessarily cluttered websites, posters, ads, and logos.
From the analysis, we designed alternative solutions, iteratively refined them from user feedback, and arrived at a final design solution.
The most challenging part of this project is how to enhance the public recognition on the brand of "PH + COFFEE" through interior design, bringing alternative experience for guests.
而项目最具挑战性的地方,就是如何利用设计来增强PH +COFFEE这个新品牌形象的公众认知,并为客人带来另类体验感。
The bold use of alternative wood veins in silver grey and yellowish violet, the design of shade reel will definitely add an emphasis to the whole.
Parameter markers are allowed because the Design Advisor does not actually execute the statements, it only evaluates alternative access plans for them.
可以存在参数标记,因为Design Advisor并没有实际执行sql语句,它仅为它们计算其他可行的访问计划。
As an alternative to an input file containing SQL statements, you can also have Design Advisor evaluate the contents of the database's SQL statement cache.
包含sql语句的输入文件有一个代替办法,即让Design Advisor计算数据库的sql语句缓存的内容。
Now, a new project by Rotterdam-based HUNK-design in cooperation with IDEddy is offering cities an alternative to moving large amounts of sand.
Some conservatives had complained that the materials did not allow for sufficient time to be spent on alternative theories such as creationism and intelligent design.
An alternative to the Template Method is the Strategy design pattern, which factors the variant behavior into an interface.
The aim of the project is to design Zorlu center, as an alternative urban space for Istanbul.
We don't believe in fabricating alternative realities to design for, as we think that "real" reality is far more engaging, surprising and fascinating.
Based on the analysis of alternative structural design schemes of container yard, this paper puts forward Suggestions on feasible structural types of container yard under general condition.
Thus , the optimization design of the retaining and protecting system is the procedure of alternative searching between these two spaces.
In addition, existing conduit and weapon are main design for arteria femoralis, the appliance alternative that devises technically for radial artery is limited.
This model USES new coupling correction alternation direction implicit iterative solution, parallel calculation program design, alternative direction grid delineation and parallel data transference.
This model USES new coupling correction alternation direction implicit iterative solution, parallel calculation program design, alternative direction grid delineation and parallel data transference.