Ten or 15 years ago, Asia was an optional, alternative investment as a geography.
In addition, limited partners tend to some extent to lump together venture firms and hedge funds as alternative investment options.
Many experts believe that Washington's dance on the debt ceiling has likely added to Beijing's desire to find alternative investment options.
Gold climbed to records in New York and London on investor demand for an alternative investment to currencies. Silver advanced to a 30-year high.
The New York Stock Exchange is lobbying hard, watching as the LSE's Alternative Investment Market makes the rounds in Silicon Valley, trawling for share listings.
The third approach, which is not new, comprises a series of measures ranging from pricing to revitalising alternative modes of transport and targeting investment in the trans-European network.
But nothing about 2008 has shaken my conviction that investors must take intelligent risks in order to be rewarded, and that long term, stocks represent the best investment alternative.
How many people do you believe the world could support without either fossil fuels or an equivalent investment in alternative energy?
Increasingly, investment Banks are looking to provide alternative methods to hedge against volatility, and dynamic research-driven or algorithmic products are growing in popularity.
Investment Banks are already banding together to develop alternative reporting services.
Now the CEO of Hess Corp., he's become an advocate for energy conservation and investment in alternative fuels.
The sustainable response to global warming, then, is one that sees us get much more serious about investment into alternative-energy research and development.
Oil and other commodities have offered a key profit alternative for large investment banks in the past year as the credit crunch spread to many other parts of their business.
Chart 2 plots China's official growth rate against an alternative estimate calculated by Dragonomics from expenditure data (ie, investment, household spending and exports).
Investment bankers said companies preferred these structures because they were less expensive than the cost of just purchasing options contracts, a safer alternative.
Investment bankers said companies preferred these structures because they were less expensive than the cost of just purchasing options contracts, a safer alternative.