Google Provides an Alternative Method for uploads.
In the alternative method, you can assign a new Content Area for all of the tags.
This is an alternative method for the synthesis of diamond-SiC composites by MPCVD.
IBM Mashup Center provides a lightweight process to build a new application for that alternative method.
Substitution insertion is an alternative method, but not advocated as the first selection routinely.
Enumerations provide an alternative method of not only defining but also grouping sets of integral constants.
The alternative method is simple and easy to understand, and it's computation index has very evident meaning.
One alternative method is to use test boards with card edge connectors for easy connection to the test system.
How can the industry comply with the requirements if an alternative method has not been developed or validated?
This article presents an alternative method in which you use a single database class to wrap multiple database tables.
This function is difficult to simulate with the keyboard, so it should be implemented using an alternative method.
Thus proposes an alternative method for the research of superiority of two predictors based on the biased estimation.
The program of this method is also described. It is an alternative method for data access in mobile network management.
This article explains an alternative method for implementing TCP's retransmission timer based on a timer wheel algorithm.
An alternative method for parsing ISO8583 data is shown in the next example, which USES a WebSphere TX map for the purpose.
下一个例子显示了另一种解析iso 8583数据的方法,该方法使用WebSphereTX映射实现解析。
Because earlier versions of the DB2 LUW did not have global variable support, MTK had to support it using an alternative method.
由于早期版本的DB 2LUW没有全局变量支持,MT K必须使用一种替代方法来支持它。
Based on the information redundancy technology, an alternative method to guarantee the integrity of bar code data is given.
An alternative method was to use a large shallow receptacle rather than a cauldron; oil, tallow or pitch then being poured in.
An alternative method, called the income statement approach, focuses upon estimating the uncollectible accounts expense for the period.
Conclusion Turbidimetric-kinetic method is feasible, it can be used as an alternative method for the rabbit pyrogen test to Danhong injection.
An alternative method is to transmit the combined digital signal from the parallel channels by frequency or phase modulation of common carrier.
OSS offers an alternative method through which an institution can implement a technological solution, along with its own variety of benefits and pitfalls.
This paper provides alternative method which puts the factors of substance and people weight into the measurement of city distribution of GDP per capita.
Conclusions Multiwavelength stepwise method has the advantages of convenience and exactness, can be an alternative method for HPLC quantitative analysis.
An alternative method for discount pricing is proposed under the EOQ environment. The benefits to for buyers and sellers are considered by using this method.
With characters of phase diagram, simplex lattice method and single factor alternative method were used to optimize formulation of microemulsion respectively.
An alternative method is substitute for rapid inversion and expanding the minimized inverted form of the ALR algorithm while the outer loop of ALL is remained.
An alternative method is substitute for rapid inversion and expanding the minimized inverted form of the ALR algorithm while the outer loop of ALL is remained.