It is alternative solution to synchronizing with atomic clock using NTP and Internet.
On his blog, Dan Pritchett suggests an alternative solution to data warehousing applications.
However, the XSLT was out of my control and so I needed to find an alternative solution.
The NR Series rodless offers an alternative solution to conventional cylinder applications.
An alternative solution is to separate your group names with a character that doesn't have that effect.
You've found the alternative solution, which is to use JSONP to make the request instead of relying on CORS.
When they feel weak, the bees come up with a rather alternative solution to carry them through the hardships.
In this section, I'll walk you through an alternative solution to BeanSerializer for (DE) serializing complex types.
An alternative solution is to replace the slicer by an explicit calculation nested on one of the edges of the crosstab.
These patients currently don't have any alternative solution. And we need to find one because they live a long time.
Not an actual workaround, but an alternative solution that works well for me: use the us keyboard layout for programming.
An alternative solution is to ignore the Puppetmaster, distribute your manifests yourself, and run the Puppet tools locally.
Seriously its 2010 and its about time that people stopped muttering "performance" and proposing an alternative solution of messaging.
From the analysis, we designed alternative solutions, iteratively refined them from user feedback, and arrived at a final design solution.
If you've been spending time on unnecessary work, maybe it's time to start delegating the task to someone else or finding some other alternative solution.
When you don't have control of scope - ask how something is useful, ask for an alternative solution, don't only look at lowest level, deliver complete features.
Situation: Emily and David are discussing their plans for this year's Spring Break. Emily isn't happy with her friend's ideas, but David has an alternative solution.
"Optimized" Plus: Technical survey and full traceability of the equipment allowing to anticipate customer needs to provide an alternative solution functionally tested.
Another alternative solution is to use hardware, rather than software to make stolen phones inoperable — an approach that's becoming more widely recognized in the industry.
If the communication network, and sometimes interrupted on certain routes, you need to find an alternative solution, which needs to find the shortest path for a rainy day a few.
For an alternative solution, I could have created an invocation handler that looks more like the one from Listing 2, where the validation code is run directly in the invocation handler.
OSS offers an alternative method through which an institution can implement a technological solution, along with its own variety of benefits and pitfalls.
Outsourcing is one obvious solution, with benefits and drawbacks that have been discussed frequently, but insourcing is an alternative that you should not overlook.
If a suitable deployment automation solution is not in place, a common alternative is to try to carry out customization as part of the build and release process.
However, the best solution is to come up with an alternative way of addressing the problem.
In such a cases the ratio of X to Y in the solution usually reflects the ratio of people voting for each alternative.
This holds true even when an open source solution is originally not as good as a proprietary alternative.
Unlike Internet Explorer, earlier versions of Opera have no alternative syntax for transparency; the only solution is to upgrade to the current version.
与InternetExplorer 不同,早期的Opera版本没有为透明度提供替代语法;惟一的解决方案是升级到当前版本。
To solve this problem, researchers at Google developed an alternative data-storage solution called BigTable, one of the data-storage solutions in the world of NoSQL databases.
To solve this problem, researchers at Google developed an alternative data-storage solution called BigTable, one of the data-storage solutions in the world of NoSQL databases.