Last week bank of America announced it would offer free online trades to customers with lots of cash in their bank accounts.
Next month an American court will hold a hearing on an agreement, signed last year by Google and representatives of authors and publishers, to make millions of books in America searchable online.
The best way for America to ease the new strain on its libraries is by closing the digital divide; companies and state agencies are unlikely ever to give up the efficiencies they won by moving online.
In laying out an online regulatory regime America is likely to err on the side of caution.
Even the much hyped rise of online advertising has been reversed, with spending forecast to decline by 2.2% in America this year.
The Writers Guild of America wants its members to receive more money for work distributed online or on DVDs.
Sharing his images online, Ed's work has drawn amazed comments from fans around the world including a schoolboy in South America and a photojournalist in Japan.
THREE big court cases this year-one in Europe and two in america-have pitted music-industry lawyers against people accused of online piracy.
We are well beyond the tipping point of whether people will give online and that is now true for mobile giving in North America too.
A survey of 500 small businesses in America conducted by Citibank last October found that most of them had not used online networks at all because they thought they would be a waste of time.
The Top Secret America blog will serve as an online destination for further reporting, discussion, analysis, and interaction.
Shut-downs are now far less frequent, so that a typical station in America is now online 90% of the time, up from less than 50% in the 1970s.
With revenues of $319m in 2007, 70% of which is from sales of engagement rings, it is now the biggest online specialist jeweller, and has a 4% share of the engagement-ring market in America.
In 2006, estimates Screen Digest, online distribution of movies generated a total of $58m in America and western Europe. Screen Digest expects this to rise to $1.2 billion by 2011.
The BPP index declined significantly on the day that Lehman Brothers collapsed in September 2008 as online retailers in America immediately cut prices.
J.M. : A new thing in America, that has been around eight years, is company like Match.Com, which is the biggest online dating service in America.
Coastal Contacts, one of the largest online contact-lens retailers in North America, came out of its two-day planning session at a loss for how to rev up growth.
Shahzeen Attari of Columbia University and her colleagues used Craigslist, an online marketplace, to recruit 505 volunteers from across America.
来自哥伦比亚大学的Shahzeen Attari和她的同事们在Craigslist(一个网络商场)上横跨全美招募了505名自愿者。
Especially in America, newspapers rely heavily on classified ads online and have fewer display ads, says Mr Crosbie.
特别是在美国,Mr Crosbie说,报纸公司都十分那依赖在线分类广告,并且还有一些显示性广告。
Virgin America sees online communities as a “natural extension of our brand, ” says Abby Lunardini, director of corporate communications and leader of the airline’s social media effort.
美国维珍航空公司(Virgin America)视在线社区为“自然的品牌扩张”,维珍企业沟通部经理AbbyLunardini说道,他同时是维珍航空社会媒体的管理负责人。
Pocklington concurred that hurdles include giving travelers in Latin America the confidence to book online and “unpackaging the packaged holiday.”
The Newspaper Association of America reports that print and online advertising has fallen by 35% since the first quarter of 2008.
If you're an American, read Global Voices Online, a project that aggregates blogging and other material from outside North America.
Local filmgoers, for their part, are increasingly young and technology savvy: 63% of movie tickets are now bought online, compared to 13% in America.
Latin America was the fastest growing broadband region worldwide, achieving 70 percent subscriber growth, the survey found. But it had just 70 million people online.
Australia's 99designs, which matches 70,000 designers-40% of whom are in america-with online tasks, collects money upfront from customers and only pays it out when projects meet agreed targets.
Australia's 99designs, which matches 70, 000 designers-40% of whom are in america-with online tasks, collects money upfront from customers and only pays it out when projects meet agreed targets.
Australia's 99designs, which matches 70, 000 designers-40% of whom are in america-with online tasks, collects money upfront from customers and only pays it out when projects meet agreed targets.