Kitchell says the city was a microcosm of all American culture during the '60s.
The ideas and institutions developed by New England Puritans had powerful effects on North American culture.
Traditional research has confronted only Mexican and United States interpretations of Mexican-American culture.
The car shaped some of the most lasting aspects of American culture: the roadside diner, the billboard, the motel, even the hamburger.
It won over Coke executives in Atlanta and would go on to receive its own trademark, spur collections and earn Coca-Cola an iconic image that made it part of American culture for a century.
Turner claimed that the frontier produced the individualism that is the hallmark of American culture, and that this individualism in turn promoted democratic institutions and economic equality.
Ms Wilkerson does not exaggerate when she claims that it changed American culture.
By the early 1980s indoor shopping centres were woven tightly into American culture.
Personal space may be paramount in American culture, but don't be afraid to get close.
It has gradually been finding its way into mainstream American culture since the 1970s.
"They're very good students that struggle with American idiom and American culture," he says.
"They're very good students that struggle with American idiom and American culture" he says. Dr.
This transformation of American culture anticipates the general trend in the composition of mankind.
Gordon: In American Culture Santa Claus is a person who watches over the world, especially children.
They are good at simplifying complex problems, which I think has something to do with American culture.
I find this to be one of the most fascinating aspects of American culture that that remains so unspeakable.
By choosing to entrust his story to Alex Haley, Malcolm assured himself a lasting place in American culture.
Mary: I'm going crazy studying for the TOEFL exam, my American culture test, and my English literature class.
"American culture, more than any other, forgives failure, tolerates risk and embraces uncertainty," Mr. Kao says.
Holden Caulfield and Travis Bickle rank as two of the most memorable antiheroes of 20th century American culture.
Secondly, sports are socially tied to American culture; major sporting events give people an excuse to celebrate.
These magazines didn't thrive for so many decades for no reason. They tapped into a deep strain in American culture.
Then you ought to find out about its food. Learning about American food can give us a real taste of American culture.
But if consumption, the very hallmark of American culture, did not save the day in the 2000s, why would it do so today?
I worked on my MA in Chinese and Intercultural Communications, Anne adjusted to American culture and we started a family.
I worked on my MA in Chinese and Intercultural Communications, Anne adjusted to American culture and we started a family.