The Hong Kong dollar was yoked to the American dollar for many years.
The behaviour of gold is closely related to the fall in the value of the American dollar.
This means that the incredibly shrinking dong is now worth only 20,693 to the American dollar, down from 18,932.
The trend is influenced by American dollar weakness, but this is not the most important feature of the trend.
There are also fears that Iran could launder money through Ecuador, which uses the American dollar as its currency.
The European Union can obtain the currency which equals to American dollar, and it has a great influence on international currency system.
With inflation and devaluation of the American dollar coming, we believe it is more dangerous to leave your money in US currency in American banks.
The shift now stems mainly from weakness in the American dollar, but also from China's increasingly aggressive efforts to keep its people from sending money out of the country.
The weak dollar means American goods are relative bargains for foreigners.
If you own shares in large American corporations, you're a winner in the weak-dollar gamble.
Unfortunately, like the dollar bill and the American flag, it has assumed a pall of such impenetrable familiarity that we no longer see it at all.
A lot of strange conspiracy theories center on the role of the dollar as the linchpin to American power.
In fact it is ironic to me that it is considered pro-American to want the dollar to maintain its role as the world's dominant reserve currency and anti-American to call for a change.
Coupled with the extraordinary looseness of American policy, the weak dollar has also revived fears of a currency crash.
Those Numbers are big enough that foreign flight from the mortgage-backed market, if not countered by eager buying of other types of American assets, could cause trouble for the dollar.
Whether the dollar continues as top currency rests in American hands, he concludes, sounding ambivalent about whether that is good news or bad.
But for now, lower bond yields and a stronger dollar are the route through which American spending will rise to counter European austerity.
The Fed would not be thrilled at the prospect of having to rely more on non-American Banks as dollar intermediaries in the foreign-exchange-swap market.
A weakening dollar reduces the cost of American goods abroad, supporting export growth.
It was adopted as a symbol for the Peso in the American colonies, and was transferred to the dollar.
A weak dollar, though, may help reduce the American trade deficit because it makes American exports less costly.
As long as the dollar remains weak, the global demand for American exports will remain high.
There were other puzzles: long-term interest rates ought to have picked up to reflect the scarcity of American savings and the concern about the dollar.
The American economy is growing again, the dollar is bouncing back and some people even reckon the housing crisis has touched bottom.
For example, if the consensus is bearish on the dollar, investors will be positioned for a decline in the American currency.
For example, if the consensus is bearish on the dollar, investors will be positioned for a decline in the American currency.