The showroom resembled miniature versions of the rooms at the American Museum of Natural History.
Here are a few of them, photographed by William Leo Smith of the American Museum of Natural History.
The Digital Universe Atlas has been built at the American Museum of Natural History over the past 12 years.
The announcement was made today at a press conference atthe American Museum of Natural History in New York.
The American Museum of Natural History came up with a very different reason to oppose the World Trade Center.
The bones belong to a number of specimens from Antarctica housed at the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
Now Rob DeSalle of the American Museum of Natural History in New York and his colleagues have challenged this way of thinking.
Images: Above Ice core close-up. American Museum of Natural History Below Inside the U.S. Geological Survey National Ice core Lab.
In the ten days after the movie's opening, NYC's American Museum of Natural History reported a 20% jump in visits over the same period last year.
"It's not common for bees to use parts of plants for nests," says Dr. Jerome Rozen of the American Museum of Natural History of the unexpected find.
“蜜蜂用植物的某些部分来筑巢并不常见,”美国自然历史博物馆负责“意外发现”的杰罗姆·罗森(Jerome Rozen)博士这样说。
To help humanity visualize this, the American Museum of Natural History has produced a modern movie featuring many visual highlights of such a trip.
And it is now a star attraction at the American Museum of Natural History, profiling the connection over time between people and this precious metal.
"The project is unique in its scope," said Donat Agosti, a Swiss scientist and Cairo-based research associate at the American Museum of Natural History.
The project is unique in its scope, "said Donat Agosti, a Swiss scientist and Cairo-based research associate at the American Museum of Natural History."
A copy of Charles Darwin's notebook containing his idea of an evolutionary tree. The notebook is in the American Museum of Natural History in New York City.
Only three red diamondsweigh more than 5 carats, including the Kazanjian Red Diamond, which went on display at the American Museum of Natural History in 2010.
Schalk demonstrates some of ECoG's capabilities in a video shot by the American Museum of Natural History in New York as part of an exhibit called Brain: The Inside Story.
Joe Holmes' limited-edition 13 x 19" prints of his American Museum of Natural History series sell at Manhattan's Jen Bekman Gallery for $650 each. They're made on a D70."
乔荷马斯的13x19” 限定版美国国家历史博物馆系列相片,在曼哈顿的金别克门美术馆以650美元一张贩售,而这些照片是用D70拍的。
Not only did mammals sweep across the planet after K-T, but sharks expanded across the seas, explained American Museum of Natural History vertebrate paleontologist Jack Conrad.
美国自然历史博物馆脊椎古生物学家Jack Conrad解释说,k - T大灭绝之后,不但哺乳动物开始主宰地球,鲨鱼也开始在海洋中扩张。
The image above shows the mandibular teeth of the wasp Dolichovespula saxonica, described in 2006 by American Museum of Natural History curator James Carpenter and colleague Estelle Perera.
上面的这张图片展示了石长黄胡蜂(Dolichovespula saxonica)的下颚齿,这种胡蜂是美国自然历史博物馆的馆员詹姆斯·卡朋特及其同事埃斯特尔·佩雷拉(Estelle Perera)在2006年发现的。
“We’ve done a pretty good job of categorizing from the size of a fly up, ” but anything below that is far less known, said Joel Cracraft of the American Museum of Natural History in New York.
“身体比蝇类大的物种的分类工作已经非常完善了,”但是,对身体更小的物种就知之甚少了,位于纽约的美国国家历史博物馆的Joel Cracraft说。
"It's a problem," admits Mordecai-Mark Mac Low, an astronomer at New York's American Museum of Natural History. Or, rather, it was a problem - but Mac Low and his collaborators may have solved it.
"Besides the earth: Prospective space exploration" exhibit will come 19 days to will exhibit in museum of American natural history on August 12, 2012 this month.
"Besides the earth: Prospective space exploration" exhibit will come 19 days to will exhibit in museum of American natural history on August 12, 2012 this month.