In order to reduce the amount of residue ash Shelbyville generates this year to half of last year's total, the city has revamped its collection program.
Adenosine then binds to more and more sites on cells in certain areas of the brain, as the total amount released gradually increases during wakefulness.
Glaciers are part of Earth's hydrologic cycle and are second only to the oceans in the total amount of water contained.
There was still more cheating than in the control group, but simply by bringing attention to the fact that over-reporting answers was, in fact, cheating, the total amount of cheating was reduced.
It estimates that the total amount of words "consumed" in the United States has more than doubled from 4, 500 trillion in 1980 to 10, 845 trillion in 2008.
Even if all miraculously went right, the product of a year’s worth of back-breaking legislative work would amount to about 1.5% of the total 2010-20 deficit—a drop in the ocean.
The amount of goods Chinese bought last year accounted for 18% of the total, and nearly 80m euros was spent in total, only second to Japan.
This output shows the list of tasks (numbered by task ID), their total execution time (in ticks), the amount of time they waited to execute, and finally the number of times they were invoked.
此输出显示任务的列表(根据任务ID 编号)、其总执行时间(时钟节拍内)、等待执行的时间量以及调用的次数。
To avoid dangerous climate change we will have to limit the total amount of carbon we inject into the atmosphere, not just the emission rate in any given year.
The best way to determine the tenure space size is probably to look at the amount of free heap that exists after each GC in default mode (%free heap x Total heap size).
要确定年老代空间大小,最佳方法可能是在每次采用缺省模式进行 GC 操作之后查看可用堆的量(可用堆百分比乘以总堆大小)。
The new law increases the amount of equity capital that Banks must hold, relative to their total capital, in order to reduce bankruptcy risk.
Astonishingly, this is said to equal total FDI pledged in the previous 20 years, though only a small amount was actually spent.
Environmentalists are arguing in circles about who or what is to blame: the total number of people; or the amount of water, food, mineral ores or clean air each demands.
I just make sure there is enough in my checking account at all times to cover the total amount of my bills.
They can also measure the geometry of space. That allows them to deduce the total density of energy and matter in the universe and infer the amount of dark energy.
Companies take pride in the amount of money they give to charity, in many cases aiming to give 1% of total revenue.
The major point to keep in mind is that, while weight is important, it is not a total reflection of your body composition such as the amount of body fat and/or muscle that you have.
The authors suspect that the abrupt change in blood calcium levels after taking a supplement causes the adverse effect, rather than it being related to the total amount of calcium consumed.
Keep in mind that the amount of CPU a thread gets becomes dependent not only on the priority but also on the total number of threads that need to be scheduled.
In many instances it is necessary to consider the rate at which work is done as well as the total amount of work done.
This assumes that employee benefits are in relation to the total amount paid for salaries or wages.
“The children who went to bed late and woke up late and the children who went to bed early and woke up early got virtually the same amount of sleep in total, ” Maher said.
Just how many is difficult to calculate, but the Bank of Spain puts the total amount of pesetas still in circulation at 1.7 billion.
Though more than 5, 000 people filled in applications to enter the 2006 event, the exact number of runners along with the total amount raised was not to be confirmed.
Article 7 the tax-free income refers to the following incomes which are included in the total income amount.
So, that should be, sorry, that's the same thing as the derivative with respect to t of the total amount of smoke in the region, which is given by the triple integral of u.
The tasks were carried out in five sessions that were spread over three days but the total amount of time spent on learning only came to one hour and 48 minutes.
The tasks were carried out in five sessions that were spread over three days but the total amount of time spent on learning only came to one hour and 48 minutes.