I'd prefer to pay regularly in small amounts, rather than have a large amount to pay in one go.
To Mr Blair's critics this is a ridiculous amount to pay for cover against risks that, after the end of the cold war, are almost inconceivable.
Stubborn willfulness requirements amount to pay also may not see a result, be considered willful silence of the requirements were not always too easy for impulse!
While museums need a huge amount of money to operate, let the wealthy pay for it.
It was difficult for individual samurai overlords to increase their income because the amount of rice that farmers could be made to pay in taxes was not unlimited.
The money is no different since we pay students the same amount for any of the jobs here in food service, so it's up to you.
I have to pay a small amount of deductible, but it is still a lot less than I would have to pay to fix the car myself.
The buyer should pay total amount to seller by T/T within 10 days after receipt of the concerning original B/L.
Yes, I agreed — contractually, based on the language found the confirmation page — to pay the amount I entered.
The first thing you must do after receiving your pay check (cheque) is sending a pre-determined amount to the savings account.
Basically, if Apple were to be found in violation it'd have to pay three times the amount of whatever the judgment won by Nokia.
That means make it your first payment each payday: set up an automatic payment at your bank where you automatically pay an extra amount to your highest-interest debt.
Suppose someone has a contract that promises to pay an amount each period over a number of years.
Conceptually,the benefits are the amount the park users would be willing to pay to use thepark if the park charged admission.
In a poll for the World Bank, over 40% of people in 13 countries said they would be willing to pay this extra amount for energy and other goods to help tackle climate change.
From this, we determined what was left - the amount that we can use to pay off our debts and build our dreams.
In terms of lack of funds, I also have another idea. That is to require every vehicle owner to pay a certain amount of premium that will be used as part of the victims' medical treatment expenses.
An early example of this model was online email, where you got a certain amount of storage for free and had to pay for more (see more about this, though, in the section on when free is dangerous).
Tanners would pay according to the amount of wastewater they produce, giving them an incentive to use fewer chemicals and less water.
Terms were not disclosed, but Berkshire said it would be willing to pay an amount equal to the book value of Wesco's stock.
Many payouts are low -- $100 to $500, which might not pay for a semester's worth of books or beer -- and the amount of work required to apply is often substantial.
A standard mortgage-loan document reads, 'I promise to pay' the amount borrowed plus interest, and some people say that promise should remain good even if it is no longer convenient.
One strategy is to consider the minimum amount of income you require on an annual basis and then see if there's a low-cost annuity that promises to pay at least that amount for life.
Are you ready to consume an insane amount of resources, to have a huge impact on the environment, to work long hours to pay for all that?
Otherwise, the cardholder must pay a defined minimum proportion of the bill by a due date, or may choose to pay a higher amount up to the entire amount owed.
Give them the amount in their monthly budget, and allow them to pay the bill each month.
That stance cost JP Morgan a fair amount of money, because it had to pay AIG and others to insure the super-senior risk, and those fees rose steadily as the decade wore on.
When that debt is gone, do not alter the monthly amount used to pay debts, but throw all you can at the debt with the next-lowest balance.
The amount branded advertisers are willing to pay for online advertising is hugely subjective - it's still more art than science.
The amount branded advertisers are willing to pay for online advertising is hugely subjective - it's still more art than science.