The amount was misstated in the table because of an error by regulators.
An easy way to cut the amount of fat in your diet is to avoid eating red meats.
All the candidates have been getting an enormous amount of exposure on television and in the press.
To further confuse the issue, there is an enormous variation in the amount of sleep people feel happy with.
A railway worker named Phineas Gage survived an incident during which a metal rod skewered his skull, taking a considerable amount of his neocortex with it.
For example, when a satellite hit an old Russian rocket in 2009, it broke into more than 2,000 pieces, increasing the amount of space junk.
With the minimum balance of only 50,000 dollars, you'll get an interest of 6.1% on any amount over that, for a yearly yield of 6.27%.
With the minimum balance of only 50 000 dollars, you'll get an interest of 6.1% on any amount over that, for a yearly yield of 6.27%.
To make matters worse, some of the traditional Chinese irrigation methods have wasted an astonishing amount of water.
An increase in the amount of carbon dioxide means that there are more molecules of carbon dioxide to absorb infrared radiation.
The little girl who lost her parents in the air crash has attracted an enormous amount of public sympathy.
This impact released an enormous amount of energy, excavating a crater about twice as large as the lunar crater Tycho.
An increasing amount of forest land has been used for industrial purposes, or for agricultural development such as crop growing.
So we are burning up an enormous amount of fuel at every launch just to get the rocket up to what's known as escape velocity.
Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites.
A well-trained dog is more confident and can more safely be allowed a greater amount of freedom than an untrained one.
This is the amount of calories you might expect to have in an evening meal, not in a drink.
When an ice age begins, the continental ice sheets grow, steadily reducing the amount of water evaporated from the ocean that will eventually return to it.
Since the beginning of this century, an increasing amount of time has been shifted in public schools from recess to academic activities.
Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes.
Criticism from coaches, parents, and other teammates, as well as pressure to win, can create an excessive amount of anxiety or stress for young athletes.
The average amount of time a patient spends with a physician during an office visit has actually increased somewhat over the last ten years.
Make sure you give an equal amount of good feedback to balance out anything bad.
The suggested theory is that a plant community becomes more susceptible to invasion whenever there is an increase in the amount of unused resources.
Include an amount of discretionary money into your budget to spend on things that you might not desperately need, but would make you smile.
Some companies even identify an amount of the proposal budget to set aside, again to identify a minimum sales opportunity cost.
It is because of this controlling power of character in life that we often see men exercise an amount of influence apparently out of all proportion to their intellectual endowments.
A life insurance agent will help you determine an amount of insurance needed to protect your family or business in the event of your death.
Each of these processes consumes an amount of memory that is independent from the number of processed records.
Each of these processes consumes an amount of memory that is independent from the number of processed records.