Fang Chao, 25, has worked at an accounting firm in Beijing for three years.
And he works for an accounting firm. Why should he like "Star Trek" so much?
A recruiter called me and managed to set me up with an interview at an accounting firm.
And you started your career from an accounting firm, then move to academic life gradually.
The weight of bid by an accounting firm shall not exceed 20% in the evaluation of a bidding project.
Like them, CPAs may be self-employed or partners in a firm; or they may be employed by an accounting firm.
A Youth culture company rented a 150 square meters space within a office building, which use to be an accounting firm.
The annual financial report offered by the enterprise to the outsiders shall be audited by an accounting firm under law.
“The chancellor is flying the flag for Britain’s small companies and entrepreneurs,” says David Bywater at KPMG, an accounting firm.
“财长先生正在为英国的小型公司和企业家摇旗呐喊!” ,在会计公司毕马威戴维德.拜沃特作上述表示。
According to a report by PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm, almost every SPL club made a profit, or nearly did, in 2007-08.
根据会计师事务所普华永道的报告,2007- 08年,几乎每个苏超俱乐部都实现盈利,或者至少收支相抵。
The bid of an accounting firm shall not be less than the minimum charging rates prescribed by the local competent price department.
In December 2008, soon after buying a house, she was abruptly fired from her job as a graphic designer at an accounting firm in Chicago.
Six months ago, Shao was still working as an intern in an accounting firm, wearing a formal suit and dealing with Numbers every day.
Auditing report issued by an accounting firm on profits and profits distribution at the year of realization of profit of the company;
A recent survey for GlobalExpense, an accounting firm, found that 22% of Britons who were polled admitted to bumping up claims at some point.
I suspect if Angelina Jolie showed up to an interview at an accounting firm in flip-flops and dirty jeans, she'd have trouble getting hired.
If I could have done one thing differently, I would have aligned myself from the start with an accounting firm that had access to venture capital.
Some will start leasing the tools of their trade on short-term contracts. Others will simply buy instead of lease, predicts Deloitte, an accounting firm.
"Basel 2 is not perfect, but it is a lot better than what went before," says John Tattersall, a partner at PricewaterhouseCoopers, an accounting firm.
And BDO Stoy Hayward, an accounting firm, thinks that in 2008 the number of British businesses becoming insolvent will go up by 9%, to a five-year high.
The financial accounting report in the annual report must be audited by an accounting firm qualified to audit securities and futures business activities.
This building is protected under historic preservation laws and was renovated as a professional leasing property for law offices and an accounting firm.
"I'm not convinced [what] we've been through was the best process, or that it achieved what it set out to," says Vincent Neate of KPMG, an accounting firm.
“我不相信我们制定法规的过程是最英明的,也不相信这些制定出来的法规完全符合它们的初衷,”来自毕马威财会公司的Vincent Neate说道。
A recent survey by Campbell Dallas, an accounting firm, found that Aberdeen was one of only two British cities in 2009 to create more new companies than it lost.
Fang Chao, 25, has worked at an accounting firm in Beijing for three years. He also talked about colleagues' influence on his putting off dealing with tasks.
In the first quarter oil firms drilled the same number of Wells to delineate past discoveries as they had a year before, according to Deloitte, an accounting firm.
Some bold graduates believe they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. But Wang Xicheng, HR director at Ernst & Young, an accounting firm, thinks otherwise.
Some bold graduates believe they have nothing to lose and everything to gain. But Wang Xicheng, HR director at Ernst & Young, an accounting firm, thinks otherwise.