This hinders an accurate measurement or estimate of distance.
To get an accurate measurement use a new, clean lens filter before each measurement.
Human beings typically rely on both ears to get an accurate measurement of where sounds are coming from.
The first step is an accurate measurement of the walls that are to be covered. Use a yardstick or steel tape measure.
In this case, Crowther's team re-examined previously known stars to see if they could find an accurate measurement of their weight.
As an accurate measurement method MSCT can used to compare and evaluate the effectiveness and practicality of other methods, such as BMI, BIA.
After the sample is analyzed, the response to the unknown concentration is compared to the internal standard and an accurate measurement of the concentration of the substance of interest is obtained.
Accurate measurement of the furnace temperature is an important topic for safety and stabilization of the furnace running and optimize the combustion process.
Conclusion Phase-contrast MR imaging is proved to be an accurate and practical flow measurement technique in flow phantom study and can be used in quantitative study of blood flow clinically.
Lack of standardized definitions and measurement techniques for the disorder make an accurate incidence rate of cancer-treatment-related lymphedema difficult to determine, say the authors.
The antenna array is an important department of phased array radar system. The phase accuracy of shifter is necessary to the radar′s measurement accurate.
This method is an accurate one for the measurement of orthotropic rocks.
Volatile esters content in yellow rice wine was an important index to assess wine quality and also an analytic item hard for accurate measurement.
An analyzing method is introduced for accurate measurement of deuterium abundance in the hydrogen-deuterium system by low resolution MAT253 mass spectrometer.
Based on a new type of angular_position transducer, an intelligent rotor flowmeter, which has realized a high accurate measurement, is described.
Objective to probe an accurate, rapid and effective method for the calculation and measurement of output dose of the accelerator with IAEA regulation.
An optimization method was presented for best-fitting of measurement point cloud to the complex surfaces, which consists of rough matching and accurate matching.
An accurate, quick and automatic measurement scheme is presented to solve the key problems in measuring DC resistance of main transformer windings.
For accurate Angle measurement, an optional advanced electronic gyroscope is available.
Sheen new digital adhesion meter fast, effective and accurate measurement of viscosity, provides an ideal solution, it is easy to use, wide application, can be used for detection of various liquids.
To improve measurement accuracy of thin cylinder's diameter by optical diffraction, an improved model is established with recursive method, which is more accurate.
The measurement of fluid permeability of tight cores plays an important role in accurate evaluation of a reservoir.
Dynamic metering is an important way to measure oil flow, and errors shall be reduced as much as possible to achieve accurate measurement.
In order to get accurate measurement result, this paper proposes an error dynamic amendment method and USES it in the online dynamic measurement system of clean surface composite board.
This paper introduces an antenna test turntable which can make automatic, accurate measurement of phased array antenna by use of precise Angle shift sensor and proper mechanical structure.
An expanded and modified version of the metric system, the International system addresses the needs of modern science for additional and more accurate units of measurement.
This paper describes accurate surface profile measurement of an aspherical lens on an ultra-precision grinding machine using the error separation technique.
Through experiments that we developed the measurement system is measured quickly, showing an intuitive, easy to operate, making convenient, low cost, accurate, high precision and so on.
By the way of quantifying delay time, an accurate short time interval measurement method can be completed.
By the way of quantifying delay time, an accurate short time interval measurement method can be completed.