Its radio begins to transmit an astonishing amount of information about the satellite's orbital path, the amount of radiation it detects, and the presence of meteorites.
The ability to offer an opt-in form for subscribers that would ask them for a limited amount of information such as: Name, mailing address, and email address.
An IDL user exception is similar to a structure in that the exception can contain any amount of error information of the types you choose.
He doesn't ask any questions (or he asks way too many). An adviser who doesn't ask questions can't possibly gather the amount of information required to to help you out.
For example, it turns out that describing one starving child in Africa creates higher emotional responses than describing two starving children using an equivalent amount of information.
While status indicators and QuickViews provide important information at a glance, the Message broker Explorer is can also show an unprecedented amount of detail on what each broker is doing.
As the children advance in the task, these locations move further back in time, forcing them to sort through an increasing amount of information.
All these examples tell the same story: that the world contains an unimaginably vast amount of digital information which is getting ever vaster ever more rapidly.
Social media is increasingly becoming many people's interface to IT, and these media interactions produce an enormous amount of data. However, data isn't necessarily information.
At most, the business analyst's understanding of a system is a screen which really amount to an electronic version of a paper form (to view or enter information).
They typically take quite a long period to run, generate an enormous amount of information, and require a lot of manual research to determine if there are real problems in the code.
The good thing about the Internet is that it offers a vast amount of information to jobhunters, especially once they have secured an interview.
Sure, we find ourselves in a radically democratized and decentralized media culture that's producing an overload of information, an alarming amount of which is deceitful or just mistaken.
The main problem we faced in our project is that we did not get enough information in the normal logs, and we received an overwhelming amount of output in the trace log.
But with computers, it's now so simple to amass an enormous amount of information about people that consists of things that could have been observed on the streets.
We can deliver an incredible amount of information about the product, and we have a direct line to our customers every single day.
The benefit of the Internet is that I have access to an enormous amount of information and can access it with an ease which would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.
An enormous amount of information resides in people's heads: millions of people know useful things and billions more could benefit from that knowledge.
In its ascent to Internet superpower, social enterprise Facebook has amassed an enormous amount of user information.
There are a lot of information which are useful for decision-making behind the large amount of data, but it is not an easy thing to take these useful information from the great lot of data.
The Weather application (shown in Figure 1-2) is a good example of a utility application because it displays a narrowly focused amount of information in an easy-to-scan summary.
天气应用程序(见图1 - 2)实用应用程序的典型例子,因为它严谨地聚焦并呈现了一个易于浏览的概览信息。
Your mind contains an incredible amount of information and is more powerful than any computer many times over.
The country has pumped an enormous amount of money into the building of the information superhighway.
First, the amount of information available to anyone with a computer or a mobile phone is increasing at an exponential rate.
Using context cache is an effective way to reduce the overhead of context access, decrease the amount of information transmission and improve the application availability when disconnections occur.
Using context cache is an effective way to reduce the overhead of context access, decrease the amount of information transmission and improve the application availability when disconnections occur.