Still, it is quite an amount of money to pay, in particular for the young consumers.
Expense account: an amount of money the company give you to spend on taxis, lunches etc.
Escrow is a way of keeping an amount of money safe while a legal transaction is going on.
The exchange of goods or services for an amount of money or its equivalent; the act of selling.
If you are subject to a rule, law, tax, penalty etc, you must obey the rule or pay an amount of money.
One member of each pair was assigned an amount of money to distribute between him or herself and the partner.
Very simple. When an amount of money is withdrawn, you must subtract this number from the general deposit.
Bank account funds refer to an amount of money-capital on the savings accounts opened by individuals, legal persons and social organizations.
Every time someone clicks one of these ads, the advertiser pays Google an amount of money in exchange for getting a new visitor to their website.
If one were to ask a group of randomly selected individuals to define "price", many would reply that price is an amount of money paid by the buyer to the seller of a product or service or.
An analogy: if I have to pay a charge whenever I use a cash machine, I make fewer, larger withdrawals and the amount of money in my wallet fluctuates more widely.
If it is an amount,e.g. money,or a number of people,you would say the number this way:one thousand,two hundred and eightyeight.
如果是表示一个数量,如钱或者人的数量,你应该这样说:one thousand,two hundredandeightyeight (一千二百八十八)。
Though we are grateful that the New Zeeland Foundation for Research Science and Technology supports us, we don't have an infinite amount of money.
Finally, the students were told the amount they'd won, and invited to take that exact amount out of an envelope full of money.
Include an amount of discretionary money into your budget to spend on things that you might not desperately need, but would make you smile.
You could spend an inordinate amount of money on higher quality headphones, but the quality of your earbuds isn't to blame, it's your technique.
为了买更高品质的耳机,你花了好多钱。 其实出现这样的情况,不能怪耳塞的质量不好,这完全是你的技术问题。
Ask for an exact amount of money from your friends without taking additional funds.
Put the same amount of money into an index fund or ETF (exchange traded fund) each month. When the market is expensive, you'll wind up buying fewer shares.
Do you spend an excessive amount of money on showing off to your friends?
For instance, house husbands whose wives worked all day were five times more likely to have an affair than those who contributed an equal amount of money to the partnership.
This is a very good first line of attack in your garden and it can obviously save you an enormous amount of money by reducing the need for pesticides.
If you get an unsolicited email from a business wanting to give you an incredible amount of money for a simple task, delete it.
When computer networks provide an easy anonymous method for sending someone a small amount of money, without a credit card, it will be easy to set up a much better system to support the arts.
That means there is an ever larger amount of money chasing a small amount of shares.
Retention cost The amount of money a company has to spend in a given period to retain an existing customer.
I'd bought the bag a year ago - in that impossibly long ago age when it still seemed a good idea to spend an unconscionable amount of money on a handbag.
I'd bought the bag a year ago - in that impossibly long ago age when it still seemed a good idea to spend an unconscionable amount of money on a handbag.