He bought an answering machine that plays back his messages when he calls.
So if you dial a wrong number or get an answering machine, your call will not be charged.
Meantime, the present situation is Kafkaesque, said Rhodes. "You have people finally calling for help and getting an answering machine."
If someone calls you on the telephone, you pick it up (unless you have an answering machine, voice mail or you are just plain rude) and the conversation begins.
'MySpace doesn't set up something for you to create an introduction video, but kind of like a telephone answering machine, you assume a certain kind of voice and say certain things.'
Read an online in English writing "the telephone answering machine message" think it sharp spicy and helpless disappointed tunnel in the world a common family problems.
The complaint goes on to claim that one of the managers later left an insulting voice message on Miss Bellamy's answering machine.
The complaint goes on to claim that one of the managers later left an insulting voice message on Miss Bellamy's answering machine.