At the first meeting, last month in Washington, the members listened to an array of information and opinions from others.
The data scrolled in an array of display boxes. Gina's quick glance scanned each in turn, evaluating every fragment of information.
The split function copies the contents of the story information from a string into an array.
As defined by the service notification consumer WSDL, the notify method accepts two parameters: an array of notification messages and an array of additional information.
When you submit the request, using the client, Yahoo returns a WebSearchResults object that contains generalized information about the request, and an array of individual results.
An array of sensors distributed along the struts and around the wearer's body feeds information to a computer in the backpack. The computer then tells the actuators what to do.
An array of sensors distributed along the struts and around the wearer's body feeds information to a computer in the backpack, which tells the actuators what to do.
The Class reflection calls to access field information are similar to those used to access constructors, with a field name used in place of an array of parameter types.
You have to supply the list of OIDs to obtain when using the get_request method as a reference to an array, and then pull the information back out from the hash that is returned.
在使用get _ request方法作为对数组的引用时,您必须提供要获得的OID的列表,然后从返回的散列中提取信息。
The clause information is an array of 32-bit values that specifies the positions of the clauses in the composition string.
Theattribute information is an array of 8-bit values that specifies the status of characters in the composition string.
The Start screen is composed of an array of live tiles, most of which update with useful information or recent images as appropriate.
This paper presents the design of an "Information Transfer Platform" which manages the communication among all the subsystems of a distributed "Induce Array Well Logging Instrument".
Writes trace information, an array of data objects and event information to the listener specific output.
Each topic consists of an array of smooth-flowing information, which are buttressed by supportive charts and diagrams.
Each topic consists of an array of smooth-flowing information, which are buttressed by supportive charts and diagrams.