He's universally recognized as an authority on Russian affairs.
The dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.
A good dictionary is an authority on the meanings of words.
The good dictionary is an authority on the meaning of words.
I'm not an authority on them, "Jessica said with forced lightness."
In Dazu County, Mr Long is an authority on bees and generating higher amounts of honey.
Mr Enzo Ferrari, who is an authority on these matters, has compared Villeneuve to Tazio Nuvolari.
She assumes that since you're so crazy about her son, you see her as an authority on marriage and children—and her son.
"I call this the 'Bimbo Effect,'" said Hamermesh, considered an authority on the association between beauty and the labor market.
I am certainly not an authority on love because there are no authorities on love, just those who've had luck with it, and those who haven't.
I'm an international award winner, and I'm known as an expert at sleight of hand and an authority on approaching magic as an actual art form.
I'm not trying to be an expert or an authority on these subjects, I just wanna share the stuff that made my own ability as a guitarist increase alot.
He has designed a best-selling range of stencils, appeared on television as an authority on interior decoration and contributed to a number of books.
And after I had become somewhat of an authority on virtual reality, but not like a really important one, so I was at the level of people the World Book would badger.
J. Peter Byrne, an authority on academic freedom, acknowledges that this limitation on a state's ability "to control the admissions policy of its state university" is "surprising" [1].
研究学术自由的专家J .PeterByrne也承认,这种限制各州“管理该州州立大学招生政策”的做法“让人吃惊”[1]。
Walter Bagehot, an authority on bank runs, once wrote: “Every banker knows that if he has to prove that he is worthy of credit, however good may be his arguments, in fact his credit is gone.”
Both he and Peter Waddington, a former policeman and now an authority on crowd control at Wolverhampton University, are sceptical about plastic bullets (or baton rounds as the police call them).
从前担任警员,现为伍尔弗汉普顿大学人群秩序控制方面专家的彼得•沃丁顿(Peter Waddington)和马丁均对塑料子弹(警察称其为防暴子弹)持怀疑态度。
Work at becoming comfortable in knowing that beyond your egoic self (which thrives on approval from others) there lies within you the presence of an infinite power acting as your "soul" authority.
The basic idea being that an individual's authority on specific topics plus their network's interest and authority on the topic, results in a value of reaching that user.
It's a royal pain, but look on the bright side-long legal disclaimers give your blog an air of authority.
Article 35 Upon discovery of its own mistaken decision or review opinion on a complaint reporting matter, an administrative authority shall make necessary corrections.
Formal authority isgranted through position on an org chart, or through mandate (orsometimes fiat) from the senior management of an organization.
The DBADM authority allows a user to perform administrative tasks on a specific database in an instance and allows full access to the data and objects in that database.
Warren Bennis (born 1925) is a laid-back silver-haired professor at the University of Southern California who has been an influential authority on leadership for decades.
沃伦 贝尼出生于1925年,任教于南加州大学,是一位性情温和、著名的教授,在领导力方面享有数十年的声誉。
Warren Bennis (born 1925) is a laid-back silver-haired professor at the University of Southern California who has been an influential authority on leadership for decades.
沃伦 贝尼出生于1925年,任教于南加州大学,是一位性情温和、著名的教授,在领导力方面享有数十年的声誉。