The selections of 150 for dimensional parameters and 4000 for the total deviation are designed to acquire the typical shaking motions of an average user.
There is an enormous average difference between women and men in this dimension, about one standard deviation.
The proposed statistical SS2M model has an average error of 4.16% with respect to SPICE Monte Carlo simulations, with an average error of standard deviation of only 3.06%.
同时,提出的统计ss2 M模型与SPICE蒙特卡罗分析结果比较,均值的平均误差在4.16%以内,而方差的平均误差在3.06%以内。
This pattern is based on an average of many years, of course, and there can be wide year-by-year deviation from that pattern.
This pattern is based on an average of many years, of course, and there can be wide year-by-year deviation from that pattern.