One photo showed him at an award ceremony, where he had been honored for his financial contribution to a local baseball team.
There will be an award ceremony right following the final selection, the certificates and the prizes will be awarded then.
Davis has just been awarded the fifth Man Booker International Prize at an award ceremony at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.
And last but not the least, I think an award ceremony should be arranged to award "Agents of the Year" who have achieved the best sales figures.
Recently, my role as a video user switched to that of a developer when I was given a video player project to convert DVD files of an award ceremony for remote Web presentation.
Ms. Gordon wore an old dress to the award ceremony and didn’t bother to prepare any remarks.
After the activity , we will arrange an communication meeting & award ceremony and will announce the prizes awarded dorm list and issues the prizes on site.
活动结束后我们将安排宿舍参观心得体会交流活动暨颁奖典礼 ,颁奖典礼上统一公布获奖宿舍和发放奖品。
Now, in an interview with The Telegraph, Dylan says he plans to attend the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony on December 10.
Now, in an interview with The Telegraph, Dylan says he plans to attend the Nobel Prize Award Ceremony on December 10.