Kung Fu Panda ", the Hollywood movie was met with an awkward situation in China."
This could bring up an awkward situation for the Lakers when Bryant's number is to be retired.
Due to the influence of the legal globalization, the traditional legal culture in China faces an awkward situation of "cultural aphasia".
Under such an environment, the luxury which has cultural connotation fells to an awkward situation inevitably, especially our local luxury industry.
Smile, in our everyday life, turns out to be a good remedy, one that not only helps us out of an awkward situation, but also warms other people's heart.
Your relationship with your boyfriend placed her in an awkward situation, too, and it would have been good to talk it through so it was easier for both of you.
Pedestrian face-off is an awkward situation in which two pedestrians, who are on a collision course with each other, are repeatedly unsuccessful in averting one another.
Have you ever looked for a word to describe an everyday awkward, embarrassing or just plain funny situation when the dictionary won't do?
A delegation from Sudan's embassy in Egypt is in Salloum, seeking to repatriate them: an "awkward situation", admits the UNHCR.
Add an insecure partner to the mix and this awkward situation could quickly turn into a terrible confrontation.
As an obligatory course, Public Relations has been teaching in administration major of colleges and universities, and nobody could ignore its importance, but its current situation is very awkward.
As an obligatory course, Public Relations has been teaching in administration major of colleges and universities, and nobody could ignore its importance, but its current situation is very awkward.