Salman has offered an easy mark for journalists.
Lafferty's longtime business partner, Allan Aitken, told me that he believed that "Biro was either a shyster or a con man, and had found in Lafferty an easy mark."
At the 31 mile mark I gave Andrei my bike, an easy to ride Gary Fisher Zebrano hybrid, so he could rest a bit.
It's tricky, but not impossible, to create an easy-to-use UI that would let you mark bits of a web page, and have those turn into the titles and items of an RSS feed.
这听起来很不切实际,但并不是不可能。创造一个简单易用的界面,让你能够在网页上做出标记,然后让这些标记成为RSS feed的标题或内容。
Using the test, they found that chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) is an "easy mark" for the experimental drug ABT-737.
But mark you here: I'm an easy man - I'm quite the gentleman, says you;
But mark you here: I'm an easy man - I'm quite the gentleman, says you;