At the time, it was only an educated guess that this so-called dazzle camouflage would work.
If you're basing your expected major on an educated guess, there is a good chance you'll change your mind.
Rubber is expected to burn less cleanly, but it is not clear by how much - the 60 grams is an educated guess.
Rubber is expected to burn less cleanly, but it is not clear by how much - the 60 grams is just an educated guess.
Although you might be able to make an educated guess and output something, it helps to have a decent grasp of the terms.
An educated guess is that iodine deficiency results in a needless loss of more than 1 billion I.Q. points around the world.
An educated guess is that iodine deficiency results in a needless loss of more than 1 billion I. Q. points around the world.
Conditional preload - based on a user action you make an educated guess where the user is headed next and preload accordingly.
If they really must know, they can make an educated guess from other information she gives, such as when she graduated from college.
An educated guess concerning the effectiveness of recognition rewards is that they can be quite powerful if they are astutely used.
Every investor knows to buy low, but how do you make an educated guess about whether a stock is near the bottom or has further to fall?
The Internet Society made an educated guess in August 1993 that the net was made up of 1.7 million host computers and 17 million users.
If you can't find any solution, well, take an educated guess and move on to the next item before you get too bogged down and waste time.
Nonetheless I think it's an educated guess to say that social relationships have been and continue to be the primary predictor of human happiness.
In other words, You determined this from the context of the sentence. You put the clues together to make an educated guess about an unfamiliar word.
With virtual machines we can make an educated guess about our initial resource allocation; if it proves inadequate, we can correct it with a few key strokes.
The RUP consultant takes an educated guess regarding what RUP artifacts and roles are needed in the organization and fills in all the responsibilities in a Responsibility Matrix.
Not only it is painfully hard to account for all the variables that could possibly impact the project, but also the confidence interval itself can be little more than an educated guess.
There are many ways to go about debugging, such as printing out messages to the screen, using a debugger, or just thinking about the program execution and making an educated guess about the problem.
It should be mentioned that there is no exact way to accomplish sizing a cluster, however, an "educated guess" can be very beneficial.
It should be mentioned that there is no exact way to accomplish sizing a cluster, however, an "educated guess" can be very beneficial.