Katzenberg: I'm an emotional person. [This acquisition opportunity] needed to be a business decision, not an emotional decision.
To detect if you have the profile of an anxious person, here are the main signs: psychological, physical, emotional and behavioral trait of personality.
Emotional: When they think about or see the person they love most lovers report “an uncontrollable smile comes over my face whenever I see her,” and “I miss him when he leaves the room.”
Yet, true presence, or “being with” another person, carries with it a silent power—to bear witness to a passage, to help carry an emotional burden, or to begin a healing process.
The story revolves around an android who comes to the emotional realization that he is not a real person.
Nevertheless, when a filmmaker inaccurately portrays a beloved historical person or an emotional event, experts are always quick to point it out.
Being an efficient and happy person can be as simple as knowing how to take care of your emotional well being.
This opens you up emotionally and lets you relate to the person on an emotional level and not just the level of words.
But in an era of job-hopping and a scarcity of skills, loyalty increasingly means having a sense of emotional allegiance to an employer, whether or not that person is still physically on the payroll.
Claire in motion twists the missing person thriller into an emotional take on uncertainty and loss.
If we can in the emotional experience of this, naturally not to an injured person and then stabbed a knife, but more will choose tolerance and compromise.
When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel.
When you hold resentment toward another, you are bound to that person or condition by an emotional link that is stronger than steel.
Questioner: But what one remembers is not a word; it is an experience, an emotional event, a picture of a person or a place.
The avatar may represent a visual cue - a reminder, if you will - that indeed, that username is a person, an emotional human being just like ourselves.
化身也许只是你亲眼所见之事的映衬。若你想知道- - -用户名是一个人,一个活生生的人。
In either the disconnected place or the overly emotional reactive place, because they've gone to an earlier time than reality, the person is not operating as a intergrated whole.
Yet, true presence, or "being with" another person, carries with it a silent power-to bear witness to a passage, to help carry an emotional burden, or to begin a healing process.
An ideal may be represented in the physical, intellectual, moral, practical, or emotional attributes of another person way of life.
An ideal may be represented in the physical, intellectual, moral, practical, or emotional attributes of another person way of life.