In other words, he figured it was an exception to the rule.
Libyais arguably an exception to the rule.
South Korea is an exception to the rule of Asian prudence.
But Moran wondered if aphids were an exception to the rule.
There is an exception to the rule of not setting the font, which is for changing the font style.
Is Africa an exception to the rule that countries reap a "demographic dividend" as they grow richer?
Nathan was something of an exception to the rule in so far as he appeared to seek knowledge rather than profit.
Even when I miss the mark, you still hang around because you assume that the missed step was an exception to the rule.
That is an exception to the rule that, as the report says, “the economic gains from marriage have accrued more to men than to women.”
Africa, exceptional in so many ways, does not seem to be an exception to the rule that, as countries get richer, they experience a demographic transition.
Its screen is a liquid-crystal display, rather than an energy-guzzling glass cathode-ray tube — an exception to the rule that the components used are old-fashioned, and therefore cheap.
This rule is an exception to the above rule of not setting mediation properties during this phase.
Only the worthy Canadians - who benefit from American financial expertise and products but retain the thrift and caution appropriate to their chilly climate - are an exception to the general rule.
But delicious dark chocolate may be the exception to the rule. It may help lower the blood pressure by an average of 10%.
Sport is also an important exception to the rule that mobile television does not make money.
There is an exception to this rule: suppressed stereotypes with the taggedValueSet keyword can be applied manually as well.
If Gell's story is true - and while we're inclined to believe it may be for now, it will likely not be forever - his wife is an exception on the woman spectrum, not the rule.
An exception to this inheritance rule, where a process might acquire greater privileges than its owner, is an application with the special setuid or setgid bit enabled, as shown by ls.
The GNU Parted utility is an exception to this rule; like its GUI cousin, GParted, Parted resizes partitions and their contained file systems simultaneously.
However, there is an exception to this rule due to type erasure, which is a feature of the JVM only, but is used by Scala on both the JVM platforms, to minimize incompatibilities.
The spelling of this word is an interesting exception to the rule.
What I think is quite wrong is to take a case which - if it is true - is of course unacceptable, and try and make what I believe is an exception into a rule for the health service.
Many GPT partitioning tools create gaps of about 128MB after each partition (the ESP is an exception to this rule).
许多GPT分区工具在每个分区之后创建128MB左右的空间(ESP 不适用这个规则)。
This rule has an exception as any worker who works on a daily basis, such as in hotels, and restaurants, are regulated by the Ministry of Labour due to the nature of each profession.
The particular rule is that every individual is more or less of an exception to the general rule.
An exception to this rule is the case of a us citizen legally sponsoring a spouse in which the marriage at the time of the adjustment of status (I-485) is more than two years old.
这个规则的例外是美国公民的事例法律上主办婚姻在状态的调整之时的配偶(I- 485)超过二岁。
An exception to this rule is the case of a us citizen legally sponsoring a spouse in which the marriage at the time of the adjustment of status (I-485) is more than two years old.
这个规则的例外是美国公民的事例法律上主办婚姻在状态的调整之时的配偶(I- 485)超过二岁。