There is an exceptional case, three forces with paralleled lines of action, which will be discussed in Chapter 3.
The Purple Heart also is an exceptional case, requests to come under attack the number of times excessively to be many, can obtain.
Astronomers don't know if this is an exceptional case or if most massive elliptical galaxies actually formed so early in the universe's history.
I am aware that we have established our internal channel of communications which is everything goes through Mr R and you, but your discharge from hospital must make this an exceptional case.
But my point is that exceptional product, in this case your content, is not enough, just as an outstanding retail product isn't enough if the retailer ignores the other aspects of his business.
The Madoff case was exceptional and should remain an outlier.
Competent authority in case of an employee shall be the chief executive who in turn shall report all such exceptional cases to the board of directors on a quarterly basis.
Competent authority in case of an employee shall be the chief executive who in turn shall report all such exceptional cases to the board of directors on a quarterly basis.