Clean up any beads of mercury by using an index card and plastic dustpan.
Write all your reasons for quitting on an index card and keep it near you at all times.
Write a list of relaxing words on an index card and keep it at your desk as a reminder.
So far, the researchers apparently have created holograms only about the size of an index card.
They say: 'Remain silent, and pull an index card out of your pocket that says "I over-prepare".
The user story is a small piece of functionality that CAM be described by the customer on an index card.
She showed me how to make her meatloaf and wrote the recipe for her sugar cookies on an index card for me to take to Fort Hood.
She showed me how to make her 17)meat loaf and wrote the recipe for her sugar cookies on an index card for me to take to Fort Hood.
The single best way is improve your reading speed is to move an index card physically the width of the page down the page as you read.
Imagine tapping out text messages on a device the size of an index card and as flat as a piece of paper, then folding it in thirds to hold it to your ear and make a phone call.
设想一下以下的情景: 你在一台小如名片、薄如纸张的手机上发完短消息后,把它三折后放入耳边又能打起电话。
The first time I tried the index card method, I noticed an inner voice in my head.
The first time I tried the index card method, I noticed an inner voice in my head.