An instance method declares a parameter or a local variable whose name matches an instance field of the declaring type.
Typically, an instance of this class is instantiated during the construction of the adapter class and is stored in an instance field of the adapter.
In the cached-handle model, the application obtains the connection once up-front and caches a reference to it in an instance field, as illustrated in Listing 2.
在cached - handle模式中,应用程序在一开始是获得连接,然后在一个实例字段中缓存对它的引用,如清单2所示。
In this example, a extends B; however, the same error would still occur if a referenced B in any other way — as a method parameter, for example, or as an instance field.
When an instance of the class is created, each field corresponding to a parameter in the parameter list will be initialized with the parameter automatically.
We'll also add another attribute to Person, a role field that points to an instance from a type hierarchy.
Note that if security is enabled for the SIB instance specified in the Bus name field, it is necessary to specify an authentication alias via the component-managed authentication alias.
Add XML tags to this file to describe the fields you want to capture during the instance request. An example of a field tag is.
The actual field being mapped is an instance of Author, and you want to take the identifying part of that object—the id—and map it to a column called author_id.
映射的实际字段是Author实例,需要找到该对象的标识符部分 —id —并将其映射到列 author_id。
For instance, a device serial number field could contain the manufacturer's serial number, an asset tag number issued by the organization that installs it, or something completely different.
Adding new instance field or renaming an existing one will cause existing objects to have it initialized to null.
The id field, an integer that starts at 100 and is automatically incremented, is created as a unique identifier for this instance of the data.
id字段是从 100开始并自动递增的整数,创建此字段是为了将其用作该数据实例的唯一标识符。
Note that when adding a new product or updating an existing one we take in the new or modified product's field values as a list of scalars as opposed to accepting a ProductsRow instance.
The lookup table is referenced from a static field in ObjectStreamClass and is kept in the class itself rather than in an instance of it.
When the user chooses an account number, the form uses @DbLookup(ODBC) to retrieve the field values. For instance, the formula for the keyword lookup is
当用户选择某个帐号时,表单就使用 @DbLookup(ODBC)来检索字段值。
For fields without signatures, I'll just use a null value. Finally, the field type is an instance of the TypeDescription class, also shown in Listing 1.
If your class raises multiple events and you program these as described in Raising an event, the compiler generates one field per event delegate instance.
For instance, an engineering's student, will study, physics, chemistry, architecture and so on professional field discipline.
While an instance of a class contains a separate copy of all instance fields of the class, there is only one copy of each static field.
A proximity sensor often emits an electromagnetic or electrostatic field, or a beam of electromagnetic radiation (infrared, for instance), and looks for changes in the field or return signal.
Walkthrough: Create a Custom Field, Content Type, List Definition, and List Instance includes a custom field, a custom list definition with an instance of that list, and a content type.
Then the thesis gives an instance of an improved and general purpose access control model in the foreign trade field.
Then the thesis gives an instance of an improved and general purpose access control model in the foreign trade field.