San Antonio, Texas, offers an object lesson for numerous other cities combating urban decay.
The current crisis has given us an object lesson in the need for universal health care, in two ways.
This blunt assertion of firepower may have served as a warning to Iran as well as an object lesson to Saudi Arabia's own restive Shia minority of 10%.
The period of chaos and upheaval will make a profound impression, but it will not continue any longer than I feel it has served its purpose as an object lesson.
Depending on your point of view, Phylloxera redux, the aphid's second, exclusively Californian coming, was an object lesson in Darwinian evolution or scientific stupidity.
THE story of Nokia's transformation from an obscure Finnish conglomerate into the world's largest maker of mobile phones is an object lesson in the virtue of specialisation.
THE story of Nokia's transformation from an obscure Finnish conglomerate into the world's largest maker of mobile phones is an object lesson in the virtue of specialisation.