But many complain the worst of the turmoil might have been avoided if it hadn't been for Mr. Paulson sticking with an original bailout plan that they viewed as poorly conceived and unworkable.
If any creditor involvement will draw an unfavourable opinion from the rating agencies, Germany retorted, we might as well revert to our original plan.
The orientation of the floor plan responds directly to the original pier axis and is an overall site control datum.
The original plan called for building a shuttle fleet and an orbiting space station at the same time.
Students are required to integrate an original idea, producing plan and the story scheme into a draft and finally to make a producing script.
The paper analyses the original power transmission structure ofthe K-104 upright compressor and gives an improving plan.
His original plan had been to proceed to Neidenburg but this changed due to an intercepted Russian radio message.
If you store an environment and do not plan to delete the original active environment immediately, we recommend that you turn on the network isolation capability of the stored environment.
If you store an environment and do not plan to delete the original active environment immediately, we recommend that you turn on the network isolation capability of the stored environment.