It is used for temperature measurement instruments and system that is an analogue signal output.
The set-top box also converts the digital signal to an analogue signal so an older television can display the programs.
This capacitance change is detected by an integrated electronic module and converted into a pressure-proportional analogue signal.
It can be widely used in fields of navigation, radar, telecontrol, analogue signal transmission, data collection and communication system.
In pulse code modulation, the representation of the quantized samples of an analogue signal by character signals according to a defined code.
It is very important task for microcomputer based protective device to transmission analogue signal of power system in high speed, high accuracy and real-time mode.
The switchover has happened in the Border, Granada and South West television regions, with the majority of the rest of the country turning off the analogue signal over the next two years.
It is based on the widely used analogue "half-cycle peak ratio" technique, form which it differs by being entirely digital, no additional analogue signal processing or other hardware is required.
How to get the drum water-level signal is analyzed. The analogue signal is used in this design. The water-level signal is fully determined and it makes the water-level protection exact and reliable.
A signal processor (108) operably coupled to the analogue to digital converter (370) processes the digital received signal.
The designed circuit is simple and novel and practical, and it can be used (extensively) in (analogue) circuits, special in signal condition circuits of sensor.
How to test the analogue and mixed-signal circuits has become very critical to the IC testing, a novel fault diagnosis method based on current testing is proposed for mixed-signal circuits.
Surface Acoustic Wave Filter (SAWF) is a sort of analogue device for signal processing.
Compared to the traditional analogue circuit, the detection system based on a digital circuit has a higher flexibility, smaller size, with the advantages of anti-interference and signal processing.
Ensure that the wiring of the white noise signal is changed under the shield of the test analogue port, otherwise it might lead to boosting or loss of field.
Secondly, due to the existence of huge modern buildings, how to reduce the wiring cost and decrease the signal attenuation in analogue audio broadcast system is a troublesome problem.
The analogue filter is configured to cancel the predistortion of the feedback signal.
模 拟滤波器被配置成消除反馈信号的预失真。
The analogue filter is configured to cancel the predistortion of the feedback signal.
模 拟滤波器被配置成消除反馈信号的预失真。