Early results from the analysis revealed complexity that extended beyond product duplication.
Additionally, structural analysis can assist in measuring the complexity of the software, offering data flow analysis, and reducing performance issues - all from the precompiled source code.
Even more than coding guidelines, complexity analysis is the foundation for identifying the riskiest, more error-prone, most difficult and costly-to-maintain code in your system.
As shown in Figure 1, you need the Risk analysis orchestrator to update ever-growing complexity of repositories of assets, threats, and vulnerabilities across the SOAs.
Simple metrics reduce the complexity when you're forced to do manual metrics collection, analysis, and management.
However, this complexity is needed to provide efficient, all-embracing code analysis and storage.
Software metrics and complexity analysis tools compare program code to established software metrics to determine whether it is unnecessarily complex.
Early analysis shows XQuery plays an important roll where payload sizes and XML schema complexity in ebXML - and UBL-based services are exploding.
Given the potential complexity of each service implementation, a structured approach is needed to understand where data quality analysis should be applied in any SOA project.
When analyzing a transaction trace, it is usually necessary to follow multiple threads, which adds some complexity to the trace analysis.
With the increasing of the cost and complexity of products, Failure Modes and Effects Analysis (FMEA) are becoming an indispensable part of the design process of complex systems.
The complexity analysis of the fixed window algorithm and the optimal length of window are also discussed.
It can be seen that both the time complexity and precision are matched with those of LU resolving method through theory analysis and data experiment.
Numerical analysis and simulations show that this algorithm reduces the computational complexity significantly for the estimation of large frequency offset while maintains a good performance.
The correctness proof and complexity analysis of LEACH - ZMH are given.
给出LEACH- ZMH的正确性证明和复杂性分析。
The complexity of any TMAP is dependent upon the complexity of the process, as well as the depth of the project team's analysis.
In this paper, the proof of correctness and the complexity analysis of the MRPMQ are also given.
People constantly explore the new technology and method in the application of TC forecasting and affecting analysis for its complexity.
However, owing to various shortcomings caused by the existence of great deal of irregular corrugation and processing, the complexity of the structure analysis exists.
This paper discusses the parallel merging sorting algorithm for hypercube architecture. Based on the analysis of communication complexity, the speedup of this algorithm is derived.
By considering a chaotic pseudo_random sequence as a symbolic sequence, we present a symbolic dynamics approach for the complexity analysis of chaotic pseudo_random sequences.
This paper discusses the parallel FFT algorithm on the hypercube architecture. Based on the analysis of the communication complexity, the speedup of the algorithm is derived.
Design a factorization algorithm and analysis of their complexity.
Due to large scale and complexity, conventional small signal stability analysis cannot meet the demand of plan, design and operation of the power grid.
Based on this extended directed graph, an algorithm for creating it is proposed, the time complexity analysis of the algorithm is given, and its correctness is proved.
This method avoids possible memory overflow problem in normal reuse distance analysis, at the same time this method makes complexity of reuse distance analysis decrease to linear.
Then the formalized security proof of the protocol using BAN authentication logic, and the qualitative analysis about its computing complexity are given.
It is often to take a coarse graining preprocessing before a complexity analysis is made for biomedical signal time series.
The algorithm complexity analysis shows that, to a certain extent, the algorithm could resolve the NP hard problems of attributive value reduction.
The algorithm complexity analysis shows that, to a certain extent, the algorithm could resolve the NP hard problems of attributive value reduction.