It is an automatic test instrument, which can automatically impose test load, protract curves, analyze and process data.
Analyze the data you have collected, determine whether or not you are on track, and then repeat the process of asking questions, theorizing, collecting data, and analyzing that data.
In order to effectively analyze and process these XML data, researchers have proposed various query languages and storage managing techniques of XML.
Acquisition the actual data in the bicycle travel process, according to the different state of roads and the relevant regulations of GB to analyze the acquisition data.
Learners activity tracing system is a technology that can collect, process and analyze data during the interaction between learners and the network platform.
The organization shall determine, collect and analyze appropriate data to demonstrate the suitability and effectiveness of the HSF process management system.
The system can acquire, process, display, record, monitor, print and analyze the vibration data of mill's reducer, and also can perform failure diagnosis.
Combining automatic control with expert's knowledge, the system can analyze and process the monitored data in real time according to expert's experience.
The traffic OD simulation is one of the methods through which we can analyze and process the surveyed data to acquire the actual traffic distribution.
This paper presents the hardware and program design of a data sampling system based on TMS320F206 microcomputer, which enables us to sample, convert, analyze and process the multiple input data.
At last, based on the work above, the system of processing standard information has been developed to analyze and process the signal data and manage the standard database.
This technique can obtain effective seismic multi-attribute information by applying 8 kinds of methods to analyze and process seismic, logging and geological data.
The system transmits the data to computer directly by serial interface, so it is easy to process and analyze the data.
Therefore, telecom network management platform needs to collect data from many different data source entities, including devices and software, then process and analyze them.
Data Mining is recently core technologies for an enterprise to analyze large data-sets, and it is a key step in knowledge discovery process and a database technical further expanding.
The stellar image location is studied in this paper, and a new estimation of maximum correlation procedure is presented, which has been used to process and analyze the observation data.
It has important practical significance to analyze and process with the large number of time-series data and mine with the value of the underlying implication of information.
During the process of Weather data Sharing service, it's needed to transform, analyze, handle and integrate the data of different format from different platform.
If you choose to use any of my data, it behooves me to take you through the process by which I collect and analyze the data and offer some cautionary notes along the way.
With the heep of the random data processing, in this paper, we analyze the export sign of the process of human body equilibrium in the time-base and frequncency-base.
How to collect, process, store, analyze and provide the access to service of the data and information on the project management will exert an important influence on the final outcome of the project.
It also can process the stored data in time-domain, frequency-domain and amplitude-domain so as to extract signature, analyze trend and locate the fault.
With the case of BH Guangdong, I will analyze the detail process of offering relative dealing data and advance pricing arrangements.
The fourth is computer with EIT software which is used to analyze and process the received data and construct a picture for the brain edema and haematoma on screen.
This Chapter is divided into 3 sections, which introduces the process of investigation and choose object. The result of investigate and data from investigation analyze.
GIS is a spatial information system which can store, query, process, analyze, display and update the spatial and geographical data.
The control system uses process control computers and basic automation-PLC to analyze data and control production.
At the same time, the process of load during construction is simulated. The incremental method is used to analyze the observation data. The calculated values and the observed values are approximate.
The researcher used SPSS to analyze the data as soon as they were collected. During the process of analysis, description of mean and standard deviation, the ANOVA, and the Chi-square tests were used.
The researcher used SPSS to analyze the data as soon as they were collected. During the process of analysis, description of mean and standard deviation, the ANOVA, and the Chi-square tests were used.