In ancient society, men are supreme, and women are not allowed to sit with men on the same table.
"Sympathizing with the aged and children"was an important law principle in China's ancient society.
Wei lai - 23 Yrs Receptionist in art gallery Shanghai 'We should all go backwards to ancient society'.
Xushen has quoted a lot of Confusion canons and historical materials to study Chinese ancient society.
The fine penalty of ancient society of China could not be traced to "atone for crime at Tang-Yu times".
中国古代罚金刑并非起源于唐虞时代的“金作赎刑” ,而是萌芽于西周中后期的“货罚”。
The author holds the legend has Something to do with the Yis 'worship of Bamboo Divinity in ancient society.
Jinyong's novels are all set in the ancient society as the background, thus full of the awareness of the history.
The Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period witnessed a time of violent changes in ancient society.
Ancient Society, the immortal masterpiece, was created by melting investigated materials with information knowledge.
The model suggested in "Ancient Society" by Morgan was very powerless in explaining new discoveries of Chinese archaeology.
The ancient society that Tao Yuanming sought was a pure, peaceful, simple and honest one and beyond the category of Confucianism.
In the ancient society, our ancestors had the basic instinct and the ability to survive and reproduce their following generation.
Sima Qian advocated free consumption thought, which is different from the thought of less luxury and more saving in ancient society.
No-victim crime existed in ancient society, but until recent times it became a specialized legal terminology in criminological research.
In chapter I, the writer mostly introduces the traditional economy 's management and administration and trade spirit in China' s ancient society.
Therefore, China's experience in the analysis of our ancient society should be a matter of great inspiration and learn to our contemporary ideal of inquiry.
Its essential legitimacy and rationality is ample not only in the Chinese ancient society that took the families as basis, but also has been obvious up to now.
The middle ancient (about from 3 to 9 century) is a special ere of Chinese ancient society, the Buddhism was one of the best out standing characteristics of the time.
Hundreds of circles, squares, and other geometric shapes once hidden by forest hint at a previously unknown ancient society that flourished in the Amazon, a new study says.
We will discuss the origin and social culture background of the system of Inheritance in Han Dynasty, treat to announce the cultural tradition of the ancient society of China.
Exchanges, li said, "I believe Internet users from secondary school to many things," he said, "I who Ancient Society (Confucius) said that there must be three lines I division."
Thus, based on the archaeology works of the past, the author tries to analysis the settlement patterns in Zhengzhou area, and shows the whole evolution process of ancient society.
The accordance of ancient Chinese historical story with Western scholars' conclusion on the study of ancient society demonstrated that the growth of ancient society of human being has common rules.
The epic has a high academic value, aesthetic value and appreciation value and is an encyclopaedia for the study of ancient Tibetan society winning the title of "Eastern Homer's Epic".
Even as modern society arrives in this ancient village through satellite dishes and mobile phones, the Pundirs say they want their age-old tradition to continue with their children.
Even as modern society arrives in this ancient village through satellite dishes and mobile phones, the Pundirs say they want their age-old tradition to continue with their children.