A truer indicator of intelligence is an effective, happy life lived each day and each present moment of every day.
In reality, he was just happy working on a ranch and making a dollar a day.
One day, a magician came to the man and said to him, "I can make your son happy and turn his frowns into smiles, but you must pay me a great price for telling him the secret."
In a small village, there was a middle-aged postman, who just turned 20 years old and started delivering all kinds of happy or sad stories to each home day after day for 50 kilometers.
Do you have moments throughout the day when you feel great as a parent? When your kids are happy, you are happy, you are all hugging, laughing and kissing one other?
The simplicity of home and family made us happy, and allowed us to rest after a day of truly living.
I know them, and inside my head, they are talking to me all day long and I’ve got a lot of work to do to make them happy. That’s how it feels.
Set aside fifteen minutes a day to help make good thinking and happy, satisfied feelings a way of life.
The happy news came on a relatively quiet day for the crews of both the International space Station and the Atlantis shuttle, ahead of Monday's third and final spacewalk.
But I definitely try: I'm happy, and I do my best every day to be a good father, husband, writer and compassionate person.
Kevin Fernandez says he'll do whatever it takes to make sure his family is happy and healthy — even if that means never taking a day off from work.
Below are 10 ways to say Happy Valentine's Day in a creative and heartfelt way.
In one of the designs of Hallmark's latest Happy Mother's Day cards, it describes, "mother" is a woman who made the world a warm and happy place.
That would be a good idea, plus if we were then we'd be happy and maybe we both could put this bad day behind us.
She had called her mother that morning to wish her a happy mother's Day, and her mother had mentioned how colorful the yard was now that spring had arrived.
Enter your day happy and relaxed, and you greatly increase your chances of a healthy, productive day.
Prime Minister David Cameron said the engagement marked "a great day for our country" and wished the couple a long and happy life together.
And he’s happy just to wake up every day — to a warm cup of coffee and a poppy seed bagel — and protect the rest of us softies of the world.
I see some students take that to heart – they work 16 hours a day, never go to happy hour, don’t sleep enough, never take breaks, and lead very productive but unhappy lives.
For instance, the other day someone presented me with a lawsuit, and it's hard to feel happy when somebody is going to be taking you to court.
After that, they promised to come to chat at 8 every day and it lasted for a week. Liu felt very happy.
It should have been a very happy day yesterday for one of my friends and me. She has finally got the BMW car for which she had been longing for two years.
I believe I am the first Director-General who can take office and, on the same day, wish staff a happy New Year.
There once were two poor woodsmen who made a living by collecting woods in the mountain. One day, they happened to discover two large bag of cotton in the mountain and felt surprisingly happy.
Let's say on the first day he looks dour, but on the next three days he's happy and chipper, even striking up a conversation.
It is a happy day when two lovers decide to tie the knot and get married!
I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day.
I have a happy family, a beautiful school and many nice friends. I enjoy every day.