Be aware of differences in customs and behavior and act accordingly.
At the University of Frankfurt, '68ers were advised: "Read Reich and Act Accordingly!"
Set priorities for yourself and act accordingly. It's the only way to get things done.
It is up to other mechanism within the system to recognize that event and act accordingly.
Know whether your dog falls into best or worst "date - bait -breeds" and act accordingly.
You need to remember who is allied with, hostile to, or lusts after whom, and act accordingly.
The bravest thing you can do when you are not brave is to profess courage and act accordingly.
A case statement within bash lets you test for more than one condition or value and act accordingly.
Determine if the writer is grinding his own axe or the characters live in their own logic and act accordingly.
The theory of learning organization provides a new Angle of view for universities to reckon and act accordingly.
When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether such a situation exists she shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly.
With the return value of fork in mind, the code can now check to see if it is the parent or child process and act accordingly.
If you adopt an attitude that acknowledges you're in charge and act accordingly, you can control your present and future success.
When a vessel is in any doubt as to whether she is overtaking another, she shall assume that this is the case and act accordingly.
For them it is a weapon that leaves little in the way proof that they are involved, but we are aware of their plans and act accordingly.
You can work with one command handler; you just have to check on the command ID that is passed into the command handler and act accordingly.
If we do not hear from you before that time we shall consider that you do not wish to compromise the matter in any way and act accordingly.
Business process management (BPM) tools allow you to express workflows in a way that lets computer systems understand them and act accordingly.
If you are concerned about application isolation, you should carefully evaluate every usage scenario and look for potential weaknesses and act accordingly.
In order to successfully and economically engineer for construction and operations in the arctic, it is necessary to think "cold", and to plan and act accordingly.
Therefore, they are expected to take into account the factor of presupposition and make adjustments in order to avoid possible negative impact and act accordingly.
This can then be used by a run time component, like an Enterprise service Bus, to retrieve defined policies for a particular service or operation and act accordingly.
And we have embraced new levels of transparency that allow investors to see how we arrive at our ratings and to agree or disagree with our opinions and act accordingly.
But there's the middle possibility, which is not so much think about them and deny them, not so much think about them, accept them and act accordingly, but simply don't think about them.
And clearly Iran is a threat, not only to Israel. This is a global threat, and the international community should act accordingly.
You can set different values on a per-destination basis, and your mediation can read and act upon them, enabling you to route or transform the message accordingly.
If they believe inflation will stay at, say, 2% or so, they will act accordingly and thus help to hold it near the mark.
If they believe inflation will stay at, say, 2% or so, they will act accordingly and thus help to hold it near the mark.