This is Shaun Harper's study, and he points out that on major college campuses across the country, black males make up less than 3 percent of undergraduate enrollments.
A branch node identifies the decision points and is visually represented as a black box located on the associated arrow (transition).
For three of the four BMI cut points, the prevalence of obesity continued to increase through 2008 for black and American Indian girls.
In the same year Douglas Wilder, another black candidate, was 11 points ahead the day before the Virginia gubernatorial election, and won by only 0.5.
Being rooted in both black culture and white culture may have helped give Obama the expansive vision he brought to politics years later, one that understands many points of view.
Let's also make the fill color for the line black and specify the two end points of the line.
Researchers found women who said their natural hair colour was blonde had an average IQ score within 3 points of brunettes and those with red or black hair.
Important technological parameters and main points were obtained from the study conducted on the stability of fermented milk of black soybean and haw.
Secondary end points included various other magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measures, including gadolinium lesion volume and T2 and T1 black hole volume.
The car engine smoke points three: white smoke, black smoke and blue smoke (in diesel vehicles, for example).
The gray solid points, the gray hollow points, and the black points indicate the canopy, subcanopy, and understory species, respectively.
灰色实心点代表林冠层树种, 灰色空心点代表亚林层树种,黑色点代表林下层树种。
This text expatiated the craft parameters, technique main points and matters needing attention of anodic oxidation and dye black for aluminium and its alloy.
Available in black and white, It features multiple M8 rigging points for a variety of flown applications.
He went from being a handsome young black man to an androgynous, deracinated freak, his skin an unnatural shade of white and his face seeming to be almost sloughing off at points.
All around me the black fir-points stood upright and stock-still.
Some of those extreme points and black holes can be deemed as different universes overlapping at different stages.
States the feature of the straw pulp black liquor. It also points out the main problems in the alkali recovery of the straw pulp and the settlement.
His usual appearance is a skeleton dressed in a black pin-striped suit and a bow tie resembling a bat, but there are some points in which he dresses as a scarecrow with a pumpkin for a head.
The integrated spot array target board consists of gray spots and black interval belts, and makes it convenient to mark the spots in sequence and correspond the distorted points to the ideal points.
The dog must have no distinctive markings except for the desirable black points of ears, muzzle and tip of tail, all of which points are preferably dark even to black.
Use the built-in threshold feature to quickly find the black and white points of your image, and to adjust the brightness range images that lack a proper shadow or highlight.
The trees impending over it had flung down great branches, from time to time, which choked up the current, and compelled it to form eddies and black depths at some points;
The trees impending over it had flung down great branches, from time to time, which choked up the current, and compelled it to form eddies and black depths at some points;