Click OK at the bottom of the Preferences view to save your changes and close the window.
As the special nature of this design, this part only on the six basic elements: the title bar, menu bar, toolbar, maximize, minimize, restore and close the window, the main window, the status bar.
Once you see the form or view as a Web page, close the browser window and test your Web service using localhost as your server name.
You can scroll through this window using the cursor keys and close it by typing q or Control-g.
In fact, there are dozens of YouTube videos that I click on, don't like them and then close the window (I see other people writing negative comments in poor English but I doubt that helps either).
Next, open the Edit project window to import the script library you created earlier. Close the project Properties window, and add the required import lines shown here.
But then Jobs made what seemed like an odd suggestion: that the buttons should be colored like traffic stoplights: red to close the window, yellow to shrink it, and green to expand it.
Alternatively, you can specify a popup window where you do the authoring, but when you finish and close the popup, you need to reload the page to get the updated view.
During the night she woke up; this time she was sure, and she distinctly heard some one walking close to the flight of steps beneath her window.
You do not see the error until you close the window, and then it is easy to miss.
This can be very handy for those times when you close your chat window accidentally and want to read the last few lines again.
Click OK to close the component properties window and to save the component's Settings.
After viewing the results, close the window and you will return to the tutorial.
The Governor, in advance of his visitors, ascended one or two steps, and, throwing open the leaves of the great hall-window, found himself close to little Pearl.
All Susan had to do was close her eyes and remember the candles in the window, the one's that Hannah had lit the last time it was her turn.
Behind each window was a cannon. In a battle, the Windows would open, the cannons would fire, and the Windows would close again.
For this scenario, select all three layers, click the Add layers icon and close the Catalog window.
After looking at your Comparison page, the user can close the ThickBox window and get back to customizing and purchasing a product.
Click close, and then click OK to complete this step and close the Local Intranet window.
Close the message window if there are no errors, and then use the run Now option to run the script.
Close the Welcome window and you now see two process applications as shown in Figure 28.
Enter the password (the length must be eight or more characters) in both the text boxes and select the OK button to close the window.
在两个文本框中输入密码(长度必须大于等于8 个字符),然后单击OK按钮关闭窗口。
Because this mode hides the browser's title bar and menus, always provide a button or other visual clue to help the user close the window.
Close your eyes, my little wish in the New Year in the bells will fly in your window, and you have always dream gently monkey, congratulation! Overlap.
If we don't keep the mosquito net sealed and don't close the window screen well, then the mosquito will come in and we can't sleep well that night.
As the boat floated close by him, Rogers climbed inside the bus, kicked out a window and grabbed three life jackets from the dinghy.
He was washing the display window of a large shoe shop when a young man came to a halt right next to him, leaned up close to the window, and began scrutinizing the prices.
The fox, close the window, with a cloth and shut the door, do not let the sound.
The fox, close the window, with a cloth and shut the door, do not let the sound.