I miss you now and day by day had, my life seems to have your shadow.
By offering her the ability to work from home, we have doubled her capacity—now she works a day a week from home, and a day in the office.
The cashflow from tenants is more stable than that from equities, where values zigzag day by day and dividends can suddenly be suspended by the management.
Aamir Khan set a goal to himself day by day and the minute he made it, he fell down on the ground and could hardly stand up.
The biggest day-to-day threats faced by companies and government agencies come from crooks and spooks hoping to steal financial data and trade secrets.
With his hard work and great effort, day by day the young bamboo trees grew into a forest.
Day by day the plant grew taller and taller, and gradually the little girl became better and better.
Day by day her list grew: I was very thin; I was impatient; I sometimes didn't respect the teachers; I talked too much; I was too proud, and so on.
According to a study by Australian National University, Australian children and Chinese children have the same level of eyesight before they start school, but once they enter primary school, Chinese children only spend about an hour a day outside, while Australian children spend three to four hours each day in the sunshine.
The chart under discussion is a single-series chart (having only one set of data), representing the day of the week and the number of hours spent by the employee on that day.
You will make this Mother's Day a truly special Mother's Day by experiencing it both inside and out.
One of the best things I did when I decided to simplify my life was to simplify my workday — first at my day job and later, by quitting my day job, in the work I do now as a writer and entrepreneur.
Weeks went by, and day after day, before I turned my attention to my own work, I would first check online to see if my ex had posted anything new.
Positive feelings are less affected by money and more affected by the things people are doing day to day.
IT teams seem to work harder and harder, but their responsive to business deteriorates day by day.
We launched a BBC College of Journalism which trains our several thousand journalists in these principles and how to apply them to their news judgements hour by hour, day by day.
Perhaps for two reasons: first, God wants us to lean on him day by day; and second, he knows we can’t handle looking forward to a whole lifetime all in one chunk.
The distance of time and space enlarged the gap of their love. Without being understood by his beloved and with his doubt about her, this great writer was pining away day by day.
No matter how brilliant we are, no matter how strong we seem to be, it will be a fleeting show if we are not aware of our “physical” body and our day-by-day habit.
"But I felt like I was in a day care center and got tired of being besieged by dogs every day," she said.
The food in your fridge might look and smell fine, but if it's a day out of date (or even on the use-by day) do you throw it straight in the bin?
Sociologists say father's Day is dwarfed by mother's Day partly because Chinese fathers are usually strict and communicate with their children less than mothers.
My parents hoped that we would learn French simply by listening to the teacher day in and day out, but we didn't.
Somebody going away for a fortnight in that part of the world would find it helpful to have a day-by-day prognosis of temperature, rainfall, sunshine, wind conditions and so on.
It is with the strength of these emotions, as well as the concrete, glass and steel that is brought in day by day, that we will build on the footprints of the past the foundation of the future.
Think positive, live day by day, set your goals and make sure you got the will to reach them.
Because of the four-day leak delay, NASA had to shorten Discovery's flight by a day and cut out a spacewalk.
Far more consistent were the reasons given for staging a personal sick day, with feeling stressed and needing a day off the top response by an overwhelming margin.
Most of our happy family memories and moments happen right at home day in and day out just by being present.
Such a system would be extremely difficult for day-to-day management and organization of data by human users.