Currencies are notoriously volatile and difficult to predict. Even investment Banks with their armies of analysts frequently call it wrong.
In production process, many complex factors which influence cost affect each other and the coupling phenomenon exists, so it is important and difficult to predict the cost.
It is often difficult to predict and prepare manufacturing systems for rapid fluctuations in product demand.
WHO also noted, early on, that influenza viruses are unstable and can undergo rapid and significant mutations, making it difficult to predict whether the moderate impact would be sustained.
It's difficult to predict consumer demand for EVs, especially since there are other forms of green cars out there for consumers, such as hybrid cars and plug-in electric vehicles.
This means that their internal operations can be hard to understand and their behaviour difficult to predict.
The issues that make it so difficult to accurately predict costs, timelines, and staffing requirements on software projects include.
These first-ever projects have many similarities with pure research projects, where it is very difficult to estimate and predict the outcome.
This is difficult to predict in advance and is best to identify it with early testing of the actual message flow.
Customers are less loyal, and global competition more fierce, making it difficult to predict where sales are going.
It's difficult to predict the exact shade the moon will take, which will depend on how much dust and clouds are in the atmosphere during the eclipse.
Thus, the influence of technology on Earth's carrying capacity is difficult to predict and discern.
Analysts also warn that until the full extent of the damage caused to Japan's economy and businesses becomes clear, it will be difficult to predict how long the impact on other countries will last.
Because mashup pages can also be used as sources for subsequent mashups, it is difficult to predict exactly how mashup artifacts, pages, and data sources will be used in the future.
The extent, nature, and arrival time of these hazards are difficult to predict. The geographical dispersion of hazard effects will be defined by the following
15% of pregnancies and childbirths need emergency obstetric care because of risks that are difficult to predict.
While many companies and LABS have been using x86 architectures for quite some time and don't anticipate variations, disruptive changes in technology are always difficult to predict.
You don't have to predict the future if you know the company has the assets and management to do well in difficult times.
As the Court says in Pennsylvania Coal, this is a matter of degree and therefore difficult to predict in advance.
It today's business climate, as markets constantly change and become more difficult to predict, some analysts believe that long-term planning is pointless.
These events completely changed the world and were difficult to predict-perhaps a few individuals saw a glimpse of the future, but the majority of people were totally unprepared.
The unexpected event, which is very difficult for the public to predict and control when it happens, has great impact on the society.
Consequently, data about them are abundant, and their behavior is relatively well understood, although still difficult to predict.
As a process it can be difficult to predict (and thus potentially expensive to pursue), but it has always delivered a great game.
Pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) can complicate several types of congenital heart disease, and its reversibility is often difficult to predict.
Due to many factors affecting pipeline safety, it is difficult to discern pipeline risk and predict accident consequence.
It is very difficult to predict the fatigue life of the creeper tread because both testing load history and fixing on load locations are not easy to realize.
It is difficult to predict the results of grinding due to random distribution and shape of grain.
It still is a difficult subject for most drilling engineers to predict and control well path by applying the mechanical analysis of bottom hole assembly and the rock-bit interaction model.
It still is a difficult subject for most drilling engineers to predict and control well path by applying the mechanical analysis of bottom hole assembly and the rock-bit interaction model.