On current projects, the planning tends to be faster and involves fewer people, but it still has to account for both what you know and what you don "t know."
And I bet the reason why you "re not pursuing something better is because you don" t know what you "d rather do."
If you don "t know the recruiter" s name, simply list the company name and address.
I don \; t know about you but the few days leading up to a holiday are always hectic. There \; s so much to think about and remember.
You don t quite know where to start so here are a few Internet dating mistakes and their solutions.
When it comes to learning a language, admitting that you don t know everything (and being okay with that) is the key to growth and freedom.
I "ve got to finish what ever Dumbledore started, and I don" t know where that "ll lead me, but I" ll let you and Ronknow where I am when I can.
I figure life is a gift and I don "t intend on wasting it. You never know what hand you" re going to get dealt next. You learn to take life as it comes at you.
I know you don "t wanna run back home and get dressed, but I really don" t want you to miss such a meaningful event.
I meant that I already know the wallpaper doesn"t line up, so you don"t need to tell me again and make me feel worse.
墙纸没贴好,你已经很难过了,我又提起这件事,就是rubit in -让你更难受,对吗?
I meant that I already know the wallpaper doesn"t line up, so you don"t need to tell me again and make me feel worse.
墙纸没贴好,你已经很难过了,我又提起这件事,就是rubit in -让你更难受,对吗?