Mindy Lance was really angry that her clothes had been removed from the washer and dryer, and dumped.
One day, someone took clothes from the washer and dryer, and dumped them in the corner.
Because one day, someone took clothes from the washer and dryer, and dumped them in the corner.
They pried off the lid with their shovels, got out the body and dumped it rudely on the ground.
He was a handsome prince but a wet one. The lily pad had collapsed under his weight and dumped him into the water.
She opened the bag and dumped the content on the desk.
Although I did see one guy who was murdered and dumped in a bathtub.
Truckloads of tomatoes are dumped in each year and dumped in the city centre.
They kidnapped children now; they killed them and dumped them in the street.
The wheat can be placed in a sack and dumped in a stall until it is fed to swine.
They trussed up the captives hand and foot and dumped them in the back of the lorry.
I was absolutely destroyed. I gathered all her stuff in bags and dumped it in the drive.
The valleys were the source of sediment that was carried downstream and dumped into the deltas.
The mud and debris were carried away and dumped at farmlands outside the town proper of Zhouqu.
At 9 months old I knocked over a tea pot and dumped boiling water all over my hands and stomach.
He walked over to an open trash bin, turned the container upside down, and dumped the contents inside.
His sweet blitz had begun when he ordered a large coffee, black, and dumped in two packets of real sugar.
He kept going out late to bars so finally his girlfriend got so fed up and dumped him. Now she's with somebody else.
A number of women were found beaten, strangled or stabbed and dumped in the area within a two-month period in 1998-99.
在1998 - 1999年两个月的时间内,人们发现数名妇女被殴打、勒死或刺死,并丢弃在这个地区。
Trapped off the coast of Maine, he was shipped to Manhattan and dumped into a tank at a posh Upper East Side seafood restaurant.
Someone had taken a wagon full of his favorite wardrobe Out of his warehouse into the void of the night and dumped it into a river.
Anyway, once you've lugged that bag of carrots over to the car and dumped it in the boot, you notice that you're nearly out of petrol.
To test this self-cleaning property, Guo and his team took ordinary dust from a vacuum cleaner and dumped it onto the treated surface.
Beaten over the head with an axe and dumped into the bottom of a well, Sadako survives for 33 days before inventing her means to everlasting unlife.
Shareholder and hedge fund master John Paulson lost money on his investment in the company, apologized to his investors, and dumped the stock altogether.
WHEN the Exxon Valdez ran aground in 1989 and dumped its oily cargo into Alaskan waters, it killed hordes of beautiful creatures and cost billions to clean up.
After shooting their parents, the brothers drove off and dumped their shotguns on Mulholland Drive and bought tickets at a local movie theater to use as an alibi.
After shooting their parents, the brothers drove off and dumped their shotguns on Mulholland Drive and bought tickets at a local movie theater to use as an alibi.