If you do it every day, it will only take a few minutes and you can start each new day with a clean and tidy desk.
Each city bus can collect up to 550 pounds of plastic bottles and cups every day. The collected bottles are sold to recycling companies and the money earned from it goes toward running the bus companies and providing money for green spaces in the city.
But, for every woman, what we aspire is not just one day like this every year, but living in respect and equality each and every moment of our lives.
And as I said, you guys put your lives on the line each and every day.
But the truth is there's plenty of time in each and every day to accomplish your most important tasks and it only takes about half an hour a day to set yourself up for success.
One day the feature will filter down to each and every car on the market, shrinking in price and becoming more powerful as it goes.
He said good morning to us every day and we gradually began to nod and talk to each other.
They talk four or five times a day by phone and communicate via text messages, Twitter and Skype. They see each other every three to four weeks.
Says the Ford Foundation's Roger Wilkins: "Racism is in every nook and cranny in this country, and each of us blacks has to deal with it every day of our lives."
Wouldn't it be great if all your employees came to work-each and every day of the week-excited about being there, fully engaged, and giving their best efforts?
In fact it can show you that the places you go and the things you see each and every day are already pretty amazing.
As a result, we get two patents issued to Xerox each and every day, which to me again is an indication of really the smart and state-of-the-art research people are doing across the company.
As Thomas Carlyle said, "be concerned with and do what clearly lies at hand, each and every day."
Why would we spend the time and money to go through this ritual each and every day?
There was a time when people in search of a full and meaningful life were advised to start off each morning by telling themselves: "every day, in every way, I'm getting better and better."
More than two people in every one hundred thousand die each day. And many people are unable to get food and other basic needs.
Make sure you have at least one full rest day each week and cut back on your training every third to fifth week to give your body and mind a break.
确保你每周有一天完全用于休息,每隔3- 5个礼拜调整一下训练给自己身心一次休息。
He examines each procedure and quality of the products every day to provide safety and satisfaction for customers.
I like to go for a morning run, I bike, and I play soccer, and Greta not only walks for 30 minutes on the treadmill every day, she also walks to and from work, 1.3 miles each way.
Weather affects our lives each and every day, often determining where we can go and what we can do.
Those are all characters we've played for this crazy job, one that I love and am so fortunate to have, each and every day.
There is one page on the calendar for every day of the year and each page shows and describes a new use of the duct tape.
Our future is determined each and every day , when our children enter the classroom, ready to learn and brimming with promise.
He tells the unfortunate story lived by millions each and every day, a life filled with family violence and pain.
So between being tormented each and every day and a chance of survival, I would choose life.
Wouldn "t it be great if all your employees came to work - each and every day of the week-excited about being there, fully engaged, and giving their best efforts?"
Linnea still wages the battle against her stuttering and tics each and every day.
We've already broken that cultural barrier and are becoming closer each and every day.
Even when you brush your teeth regularly each and every day, there is no guarantee you can make your teeth shine bright and white.
Even when you brush your teeth regularly each and every day, there is no guarantee you can make your teeth shine bright and white.