That is, real estate development have taste, character, and only higher prices, our property can be full of vitality and economic viability.
Profitability concerns could have been ignored only at the risk of undermining business confidence and hurting the economic viability of the National Home enterprise.
However, the economic viability of clinical it is still questioned by most hospital administrators because of changing standards, a variety of legal hurdles, and the volatility of the marketplace.
What might be economic, social, cultural, and other global factors that might affect the viability of the model over that period?
Banks will thus always take a conservative stance when evaluating the economic viability of a project and may look to the project sponsor to provide corporate guarantees for the loan.
Presently study has confirmed that the technique of the concept is viable, which can use conventional technology, equipment and materials. So the solar power plant has potential economic viability.
Financial analysis refers to the assessment of the economic viability, stability and profitability of the future carrier or aviation venture.
The company specializes in determining the economic viability of mineral deposits and has expatriate technical staff who have worked on such projects worldwide.
In the end, the economic viability and feasibility of pneumatic defrosting are demonstrated, and the application prospect is forecasted.
The versatile new applications of glycerol in the everyday life and chemical industry will improve the economic viability of the biodiesel industry.
The versatile new applications of glycerol in the everyday life and chemical industry will improve the economic viability of the biodiesel industry.