He figures he'll crawl outside and get some fresh air and maybe that will sober him up.
Whatever you have to do, take a break at least three or four times a day, even for just a few minutes and go outside and get some fresh air.
We go up and along the prettiest Notting Hill streets, and I love to get some fresh air before I start writing each day, as otherwise I really don't feel as if I have properly woken up.
Getting outside for some fresh air, a change of scenery, and a quick walk to get your blood going will do wonders for your mood and motivation.
After a few moments, you stand up and walk out the front door of your cabin to get some fresh air.
Get out and about. Don't sit at home moping, this will get you nowhere - going out and getting some fresh air will take your mind off feeling glum.
The first two classes finish and the 25-minute break finally arrives. I need to go out to get some fresh air. Then, I return to the classroom and do some homework.
If the weather permits, slip into a pair of comfortable sneakers and get outside for some fresh air.
Please fill in this form now! If you want to get some exercise and breathe some fresh air, try hiking.
Hit the dive shops to explore the city's offshore reefs and wrecks, or get some fresh air on world-class golf courses.
Hit the dive shops to explore the city's offshore reefs and wrecks, or get some fresh air on world-class golf courses.