Companies have long kept a close eye on employees to maintain productivity and guard against theft.
The laboratorys safety management primarily includes: fire prevention, anti-virus and guard against theft.
This implement is including inspection, program, and guard against theft for all the type (after 1992) of Honda.
Assurance saving quality of goods, can adopt to defend tide, dust palliative and guard against theft, defend breakage etc. measure, with exaltation supplies saving quality.
Loss prevention officers guard against fraud, theft, fire, weather damage, and other causes of property loss.
An on-line monitoring system of electric power line guard against theft by microwave induction is developed and its construction, technical features and application results are briefly described.
Except for the demand of GATA (Guard Against Theft and Alarm) system, the remote controlling and monitoring of car status and parameters is needed as well when car is out of sight.
Residents are reminded to take care of their personal belongings and important documents to guard against theft.
The paper analyzes the secure needs of GPS vehicle monitoring system to guard against theft and designs a secure GPS vehicle monitoring system using cryptographic technique.
AT89c2051 is a powerful programmed microchip, the hardware principle and software realization of guard against theft and alarm system based on AT89c2051 are introduced.
AT 89 C 2051单片机是功能强大的可编程微控器,文中提出了以at89c 2051设计的住宅小区防盗报警系统的硬件原理和软件实现。
AT89c2051 is powerful programmed microchip, the hardware principle and software realization of guard against theft and alarm system based on AT89c2051 are introduce.
AT 89 C 2051单片机是功能强大的可编程微控器,文中提出了以at89c 2051设计的住宅小区防盗报警系统的硬件原理和软件实现。
It presents the test methods of the fault to the electronic guard against theft of Mazda M6-car, and given the fault codes.
介绍了一汽马自达m 6轿车电子防盗系统故障的具体检查方法。并同时培出了各种故障的故障代码。
This paper introduces the methods and steps that can accomplish the joint control task of small guard against theft and alarm system at very low cost.
Based on ARM, the paper introduces a net-intelligent auto guard system against theft. GPRS and GPS are adopted in the system.
After researching the existing alert system, it is put forward a set of guard against theft alert system which consists of 8051 MCU, Ethernet - controlled chip, infrared detector and computer.
The protection function and decorate function to merge into an integral whole, is replace a tradition to guard against theft effectively the net change a product.
A telecontrol guard against theft and alarm system on the 89c51 single chip computer is introduced in the text.
Problems of guard against theft safety in modern city living area becomes more and more serious. Safety problem is analyzed beginning with house building. Countermeasures are put forward.
This paper introduces a method how to do a guard against theft and alarm system of cable, using 555 integrate circuit and MCS - 51 MCU.
Automobile owners only need fix one time, thereby can effectively guard against theft, the cost of the part is very low and can be mass produced.
Automobile owners only need fix one time, thereby can effectively guard against theft, the cost of the part is very low and can be mass produced.