Recently, I posted loads of pictures in my blog and guess what?
Well it seems that some people are into glitter and diamonds and guess what?
Oil futures have slid 16% since cresting at $114 a barrel in May. And guess what?
And guess what? He brought two of his youngest sons Tanner (15) and Dallin (13).
What are your parents doing now? Discuss in pairs and guess what theirs jobs are.
Student 1 acts the new word by using his voice, the other students back to S1 and guess what can he do.
And guess what? NOW is the time to enjoy the intense relationship that you have, no matter what the circumstances are.
But get people moving around and feeling good and guess what: they eat like normal people, if they even think to eat at all.
Here are some easy tips I used in order to avoid another weeping session in the office bathroom. And guess what? They worked!
And guess what, they're Dynamic! Which means that you can blast cubes and other objects that get in the way of these nasty little Drops.
And guess what the more effective you are, the more respect and recognition you'll earn from your boss and colleagues, and that will translate into a happier you.
Its a rare chance coz I doubt we will hold our own concert again during NEW YEAR EVE's in the future so this might be a once in a life time opportunity and guess what?
And guess what? The proposed interceptor in Poland would have little, if any, capability to counter the existing threat from Iran's short - and medium-range ballistic missiles.
Tell your spouse that we’re sticking this thing out together, tell them “I’m not going anywhere, and guess what, you’re not going anywhere either, we’re going to work this thing out.”
Are a failure because both put pressure Po in a basket, and guess what will work, rather than take the time to speculate or know that different versions of analysis of the implications.
It had been discovered that the book was a palimpsest, and beneath the surface writing of the manuscript laid, guess what?
I guess what we need to do is take the processes and divide them up between us.
Take the yolks and mix them in with sugar and water, and sugar and flour I guess are probably what I want.
Take the yolks and mix them in with sugar and water, and sugar and flour I guess are probably what I want.
People have to look at photos of actors' eyes, and then guess what emotion is being expressed in each.
It will be more difficult for them to guess what you're thinking, and they will be more likely to tell you more.
Based on sketchy information about the problems to be solved and vague goals, the project manager does his or her best to "guess" what the schedule and costs will look like.
Then we get a long paragraph break, and we must guess at precisely what happened-like aspiring biographers-aware that whatever took place will be only part of the story.
Then we get a long paragraph break, and we must guess at precisely what happened-like aspiring biographers-aware that whatever took place will be only part of the story.